
Posts Tagged: 'ben+braeden'

Apr. 28th, 2021




I didn't realize I'd been burning the candle at both ends as badly as I have been until I got home tonight - I used my face wash on my hair instead of my conditioner. I didn't even realize the mistake until after I'd done it. I think I need to take a few days off and just relax, maybe take some naps. Take Kurt to the park or the beach.

Apr. 23rd, 2021




I didn't even realize it was this close to the end of the school year until my English teacher today reminded us that we needed to have the first draft of our final paper in to her by the end of next week. I haven't even finished the book I picked so I guess that's what I'll be doing this weekend with my time off since the shoot got cancelled.




So it's my turn to share the happy news - Izzy and I are going to be expanding Cheshire Confectionaries to include catering services through our website. I know from past experience that it'll make keeping track of things a lot easier for me at least. Plus Cheshire can't mess with the orders that way since they'll be stored on the computer and not just written down somewhere.

Mar. 26th, 2021




I saw the White Rabbit again in my Dreams! And this time he talked to me! Well he thought I was someone named Mary Ann but that's not the important part! He needed my help to keep the Duchess from executing him over something or other by going to his house to get his gloves and fan that he'd dropped in the Hall we fell into. The Hall disappeared while the flood was happening so I went running off and find his house by following the signs that point in that direction. As soon as I went in the house it finally hit me how weird all of this is and I ended up fantasizing for a few minutes about what it would be like to have Dinah ordering me around the way the Rabbit did but then I realized she probably wouldn't be let in the house doing that.

I found his fan and gloves and right next to them a little bottle on the table and clearly dreamAlice hasn't learned anything about just eating and drinking what she sees in this strange world I'm dreaming about because she drinks the bottle down even though there's no label on it because her logic - something interesting is bound to happen - and she's not wrong. She starts to grow bigger which is great at first until she stops drinking from the bottle only to keep growing. Finally dreamAlice is so big that she has to lay on one side with her arm out the window and one foot up the Rabbit's chimney in order to fit in the house and that's when she quits growing.

And that was when I woke up.

Mar. 2nd, 2021




Took long enough to finish that dream.

Went to this town to investigate the disappearance of those two. No one knows anythng except this girl. They tell me where to go and said the couple left town. Weren't there more than ten minutes. Spoiler alert? LIE. I was following the path they said they took when the EMF reader started freaking the hell out. And it led me to this fugly looking scarescrow. That had the same tattoo as the person that went missing.

C'mon. Coincidence?

I tried to help this couple who were going to be the next targets and wound up putting them off and getting escorted by the shady cops out of town. Score one for me who saved the couple. Nothing this time for the creepy Pagan god possessing the even creepier statue. A Vanir according to local professor.

Aww, Sam. We had quite the bro chat. You still left to find dad though. But you did come back to save my ass. So uh, thanks for not letting me be a fertility sacrifice to leatherface.

Feb. 22nd, 2021




Great... So Jericho is gonna get hit with radiation from a damn nuke. Which means clearing out the fallout shelter under medical center. On second thought, that shelter didn't pan out. There wouldn't of been any air. So, we had to take the critical patients, which was about 11 people, to the fallout shelter under town hall and the rest of us to a mine shaft.

... Where we're going to blow the entrance to trap us inside from the radiated rain.

Of course my dream self is crazy and heading off to his best friend's ranch because there's assholes there with a gun. So, he blows the entrance to the mine up. Dad can't be found either. This is turning crazy, on all fronts.

ALSO, BEING SHOT AT SUCKS! Guess, it's a good thing that I'm a damn good shot and took care of the idiots. Now? We need to head into the storm shelter from this damn radiation rain. Luckily, we got inside before the rain started coming down.

Supposedly, it's never safe around me. You hear that, Sheppard. NEVER safe.

Feb. 8th, 2021




I'm probably the last person to hear about this tik tok silhouette challenge. My friend Man did it and now he's been messaging me and keeps telling me I should do it and yeah, it's definitely not my thing, but he thinks it would be good for me, which I really don't see. Has anyone else done this or know anyone who has?

Feb. 4th, 2021



[text] kate fuller

Well, I guess I'm done dreaming. Since I'm dead now. I tried so hard to save my brother and it cost me my life.

Feb. 3rd, 2021




I finally made it to the shore in my Dreams after almost drowning in the sea my tears made. I’m sitting with the animals on shore trying to dry off but nobody has any ideas except for one of the mice and the Dodo. The mouse is going to recite for us while we dry but when that’s clearly not going to work the Dodo declares it’s time for a caucus race. The track is almost a circle and the rules are for us to run for as long as they want, stopping and starting as they want and everybody ends up dry.

The Dodo declares everyone has won and that I need to give them their prizes! I search my pockets and luckily find a pack of candies in my pocket that aren’t wet. And there are just enough of them for me to give one to everyone else. And since I don’t have anything other than my thimble in my pocket that’s my prize.

Jan. 25th, 2021




IT'S OFFICIAL! I just got the offer through my agent for my next picture! They're doing final edits on the werewolf movie I shot and still finalizing the designs for the Baby campaign to shoot it so it's time to start lining up the next project! I'm going to be playing a teenage pop star who's actually a ghost but through magic appears human when in front of people. I think I'm mostly excited about this project because a) I get to sing in it and b) Mina's got a part in it!

Jan. 15th, 2021




I thought I'd seen everything since moving to California but today proved me wrong. I stopped to fill Maman's gas tank up after picking up the pups from the vet after their appointment and while I was inside paying for the gas, a man walked past me to the beer cooler, grabbed two cases of beer and walked out the door. The cashier didn't even pause other than to page for the manager to describe the guy to them.

Jan. 2nd, 2021




So, my dad saved the day. he found me and the other kids in the basement of a house that was under construction. It was the mother changeling's home base or whatever. She had us in cages and our changeling doppelgangers were terrorising the neighborhood. But when Dean freed us, and killed the mother changeling, whatever she's called, that killed the changelings and all the kids were restored. Including me.

And then Dean left. Even though Mom told him he could stay. It's weird. That he's not really my dad in the dreams. I really don't understand how that works. but I guess the dreams aren't the same as life. Even though my mom is my mom.

I don't know. I guess I'm just glad it all worked out. Dream me is home, safe and unharmed. Just a little shook up.

So hey, Mom. Maybe we can go get tacos for a good old fashioned Taco Tuesday this week? Spend a little time together?

Dec. 6th, 2020




I had another weird dream. I'm still eight years old, and I got taken by something called a Changeling.

Dec. 5th, 2020




I've finally done it! For the first time in as long as I can remember - I'm done with my Christmas shopping before Christmas Eve! Now to just keep someone in my house from getting into all of it and ruining the surprises until I can get it wrapped and under the tree.

And we keep the door shut so that Dinah and Porgy Porg stay out of the gifts too.




I had some of the weirdest dreams last night, and then I woke up to snow. I feel like maybe I should play the lottery, but I can't be bothered going to the store right now.

Nov. 19th, 2020




I was told that this is a good place to make new friends.

Hi, I'm Betty Cooper. I'm a freshman at UC Irvine. I'm a journalism major, I like old movies, photography, and milkshakes. I am terrible at introductions, so I look forward to getting to know people!

Nov. 18th, 2020




Everyone in my dreams is extremely nosy. Especially my fan club. I still don't understand why I have a fan club. They call themselves #teamsarawatswives and they're very interested in why I've been hanging around with Tine. Like I can't have friends or something. No one asks why I hang around with Boss and Man.

I'm glad that I don't have to deal with anything like that in real life. I'd go crazy if I constantly had girls following me around and screaming when they saw me.




So now that I'm safely back home and don't have to drive anywhere for a couple days so I can just relax - I have awesome news! I just signed a contract to be the face for one of my favorite brands! And we've finished filming on my movie so long as we don't have to do any reshoots which - THANK GOD! I love my costars but it'll be nice to have one less thing to keep me from sleeping in. And maybe in the Spring I can register for more semester hours to get back on track for graduating on time with Mina.

Bad news though - I won't be able to use Pinterest to save pictures on for people to search or Etsy to buy accessories for my new outfits since their companies have decided to ban Lolita fashion on their platforms because it 'exploits and sexualizes children'. How does dressing like a fluffy pastel cupcake in outfits that cost hundreds of dollars and are designed to be bought and worn by adults sexualize a child? It's scandalous in Lolita fashion to show your shoulders and knees.

And yes before anyone points it out to me - I'm aware of the novel.

Nov. 15th, 2020




Good to know my dad is as much of a bad influence in the dreams as he is in real life.

Nov. 5th, 2020




I'm glad that I could amuse my family so much while my phone was being an asshole today. I stand by my assessment of Siri being a bitch even if she did refuse to answer the question as to why she was acting that way.

Nov. 3rd, 2020




I missed part of Halloween because of the OC being the OC, and I'm still trying to buy our kids' love back with treats. Now I'm having to spend election night sober while we all await the results, because somehow a newspaper actually mistook me for an actual responsible adult and gave me a job. So... I'm not having that great of a time right now. Armin's getting stoned for both of us. Which is weirdly comforting in a way. I might be stressed, but at least he doesn't have to be as stressed?

Just hoping the country has more sense than it did in 2016.

Oct. 29th, 2020




I know it's a little last minute, but, if you don't already have plans for Halloween, we're doing a murder mystery show at The Cellar. Yours truly is starring as the seductive songstress and the food will be to die for. I hope to see at least some of you there, it's definitely going to be an epic evening.

Oct. 11th, 2020




So my best friends back home sent me a package about a week ago with a bunch of snacks that I obviously can't get here. I came back to my room this afternoon and my roommate was going through the box and didn't seem to think it was a big deal. We said that since we're roommates we should share stuff, but I seem to be the only one with stuff. Am I overreacting?

Oct. 8th, 2020



text post: kate fuller

And my dreams seemed...so normal until they weren't anymore. I'm pretty sure that was the worst day of my life.

Oct. 5th, 2020




Why am I dreaming about turning 8 years old, and waking up feeling like I actually lived it.

Sep. 29th, 2020




I don't know what I'm doing here, but I figured it could be interesting, based off the things I read when I found this. I don't know if I believe the things I read, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued.

Anyway, I'm Sarawat. Moved here with my family in August, from Bangkok and I'm going to Occidental College.

Now time for an ice breaker question. If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in? For me, it'd be football; well soccer. Been playing since I was a kid so that's the sport I'd want to compete in in the Olympics.

Sep. 26th, 2020




So I agreed to read palms for our 10 year high school anniversary in my dreams. I think it triggered something because I'm definitely reading palms a little more strongly than I was before. I mean it's not hard to know how to interpret palms, but during a reading today at the store I felt a little more than I usually do.

Does anyone wanna be my guinea pig and come over for a reading?

Sep. 23rd, 2020




Remember when the Hump Day commercials were all the rage? I kinda miss those days. Maybe because I was a lot younger, and more innocent back then cause I was just a kid. Adulting is hard, man.

Sep. 11th, 2020




Hey, OC. What's shaking?

I'm Ben. My mom, dad, and aunt Catty and Uncle Sam are all on this network.

Anyway. I thought I'd check it out too.