
Posts Tagged: 'andromache+of+scythia'

Apr. 29th, 2021




You know... these dreams are something else. Especially when it seems a person, in them, lives for centuries before leaving a tribe. That's downright crazy.

Apr. 6th, 2021




It's been a bit since I had any dreams. Last one dealt with me taking out my enemies. This one? Has me becoming chief of my tribe and them practically worshipping me like a goddess. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Feb. 21st, 2021




Well... that dream was a bit of a doozy. Dream!Me rose from the dead, took her axe and killed three of her enemies. THEN she led her companions into victory.

Feb. 3rd, 2021




Oh fun. I have my own personal Warden. A big gun assigned to sneak up on me in the dead of night and try to startle me into breaking the laws of magic as per the White Council, so they can bring justice reigning down on me. Because I did break the Laws once, to save my own skin. But that's neither here nor there. Morgan wants me to fail, he wants to roast me.

And it doesn't escape notice he's more than capable of the murders I'm investigating. But then, technically, so am I. So that's not really much to go on. I just really don't like the guy, and he doesn't like me. It's clearly a mutual dislike. Problem is he's in a position of authority over me and one slip up could bring the Council down on me.

I doubt I'd get a slap on the wrist and a Warden looking over my shoulder a second time.

Jan. 2nd, 2021




Dreams suck. Looks like my step-mother got a bit paranoid and everything went down hill from there. Guess I should apologize to my boyfriend for not waking up when he tried to wake me. I'm still not sure how someone wakes up from being dead to begin with.

Though, I have a sharp ass spear as a souvenir from dying now.




Unpleasant dreams. A year later adopted father figure decides to show up in my city to check on me. I said some things I didn't necessarily mean and he didn't even say anything back. Figured I was in for an argument, but think it's worse when you're not and they accept it.

Dec. 12th, 2020




It's a little late, but I woke up to the scorpion from the previous dream, and the envelope with payment from the client in it, on the bedside table. I guess I can use that money to buy Maggie an extra Christmas present or two.

Nov. 30th, 2020




Now that Thanksgiving is over I'm able to announce that Pink's Treats is taking a limited order of Christmas orders for baked goods! Mention the Network in the comment section for your order and get a bonus personal sized cake with your choice of flavor. I'm not thinking about the fact the tree regrew after they removed it. I can't think about that. I need to keep busy.

Nov. 21st, 2020




No thought of the scorpion in my latest dream. Just a steak sandwich and fries, and the best ale in town at a place called Mac's. And a reporter who looks suspiciously like my daughter's mother putting the moves on me, to get information about the murder. All things considered, an anticlimactic dream, and yet so intense it felt real. As they do.

Oct. 24th, 2020




So I've read on the network how people end up with things. Sometimes it's things that will serve them just fine, other times not so much. I had two things show up and one of them? Fine, okay. A book published in 1605. Not sure how I got my hands on that, there's no telling.

Second is a pretty big sized battle axe. What exactly am I meant to do with a battle axe?

Oct. 17th, 2020




So, part of these dreams, so far they're still dealing with tribes. Looks like we went up against a tribe of blood thirsty men and I nearly died. My only saving grace was my mentor. I'm not even sure how to take these dreams. They're pretty out there.




The dream I had last night was super intense, but also kind of anticlimactic. Dream me does this thing called a soulgaze, and I can see into a person's soul. Down side is, what is seen can never be unseen. And the other person sees into my soul too. Like the true essonce, what's real beneath all the masks and costumes we wear, all that bull shit just goes away.

Some big bad mobster or whatever offered me money, lots of money, not to investigate the death from my last dream. I turned him down, even though I wanted, and needed, the money. I don't accept bribes or whatever. I got out of the car and hopefully made it to my next appointment on time.

Oct. 4th, 2020




I guess I shouldn't of mentioned not dreaming. Also looks like I know where I'm from and that Andy is definitely short for something. Though, that something is definitely a doozy and I think I'll stick with Andy instead.

Also, tribes? Really?

Oct. 3rd, 2020




What kind of family starves their adopted son and forces them to live in a cupboard barely the size of a crawl space under the stairs with bloody spiders?

Sep. 23rd, 2020




It's always fun when you arrive in a new state, and the moving van is a whole day behind you.

Anyone know where I can rent some temporary furniture until my van gets here? There's never a smooth way to relocate, is there?



Network -- Parker

Personal Entry )

Sep. 20th, 2020




Think I've sort of found a new hobby, been taking photos recently. Starting to get the hang of it I think. Landscapes are fun and all but I think people might be more interesting, anyone want to be a guinea pig and have a photoshoot at some places in town?




Anyone have those days where they wish they could walk around as themselves? I mean those of us who don't look human.

No charms, no tech to hide ourselves. Just looking like ourselves.

Sep. 17th, 2020




I do not know why people are so fascinated with these phones. I had someone comment about about my phone notifying me that my voicemail is full. It's because I don't know how to answer my phone when it rings.

Also, what is this constant talk of clocks?

Sep. 10th, 2020




Now that I'm officially settled into my new home, I guess introductions are in order. So, hi. I'm Andy. No, that isn't short for Andrea or anything like that. It's just Andy. I'm a military brat who has moved around too much to even say where I was last.

Now that I'm in the OC I'll be working with the police force. Criminology is a passion of mine, has been all through college. So, the fact I get to put it to good use works wonders for me.