
Posts Tagged: 'william+laurence'

Jan. 16th, 2019




[written in Latin]

Dream me is very interesting. He can fly, create storms, throw lightning bolts (suck it Hercules), and knows Latin. Which somehow translated over into the real world over the holidays. I just woke up one morning and I could understand all the Latin on the buildings downtown. Naturally I decided to take Latin this semester in hopes that if I understand it, it will be an easy class to pass. I am in awe of this new thing. Flying would be fun, but now I am able to call people a shiny red babboon's butt without them knowing that is what I am saying.

So I know a new language, apparently. I've been singing Elvis in Latin for the last three days. It sounds hilarious. Next song I'll write in Latin, about jellybeans, just for kicks. Anyone else suddenly learn a new language from these dreams?

Jan. 4th, 2019




It is disconcerting to discover that a belief you've held close to your heart is entirely wrong, even if it was my dreamself who was forced to learn the lesson. There was the belief that, in all the world, there could scarcely be a country that treated dragons any better than Britain herself. They weren't well integrated with society, but it could hardly be Britain's fault that humans held an innate and natural fear of dragons, and we could hardly expect the common person to rise above their base fear without any reasonable cause to do so. Our treatment of dragons is, perhaps, the gentlest in Europe. Certainly no worse, if not better, than that in France, and, from what I've heard, heads above that of Russia or Prussia.

But walking the streets of China, he's discovered that that is not true at all. The streets are build widely, for no other reason than to allow the dragons sufficient berth to traverse the streets. Dragons and humans, even those that are not forced into their presence by circumstance, live harmoniously, and certain breeds of dragons are even revered by the people. Dragons in China can chose their own profession, and can earn coin just as any human might so that they might purchase any goods and services that they need themselves. In Britain, no dragon would ever go hungry as the Crown provides their food and their lodges, but they do not have the same freedom as those in China do.

It is hard to reconcile the fact. Temeraire has assured me that he would never chose China over myself, but I am not sure if, in good conscience, I can ask him to return to Britain when he would be clearly be given more respect and freedom in China.

Dec. 29th, 2018




I had a conversation with someone at the theater yesterday about New Year's Eve traditions. She says in Denmark they smash plates, which was quite interesting.

In my family we have a few. We eat 1 apple (to symbolize the year) and 12 grapes (to symbolize each month), while making wishes or saying what we hope for each month in the new year. Mamá will also set aside a bucket of dirty water to throw out the front door.

What are your traditions?

Dec. 20th, 2018




Guess the Dreams decided to solve the problem of my new clothes for next year. My mom in them is a costume designer for movies and does a lot of her work from home, so one of the bedrooms got turned into a clothing closet/work storage space by her and she lets me borrow stuff from it all the time. I woke up this morning to find all of the clothes from there in the bedroom next to mine.

None of it is stuff I’d buy but it’s absolutely stuff I’d wear. No that’s a lie. I’d definitely buy this one knee length leather skirt that’s in there because I’m already kind of in love with it and it’s slit.

Nov. 27th, 2018




I just received via mail an invitation to my ex-fiance, Edith's, wedding to Mr. Bertram Woolvey, to be held early next year. I admit that it came as something of an unpleasant surprise, but it has been over a year since we ended our engagement, and I am pleased that she will finally be able to continue on with her life without constantly being held by my duty. Mr. Woolvey has always been a bit of a prat somewhat arrogant an idiot an upstanding gentleman from a good family, and I've always suspected that he has held Edith in some regard, so I hope that their union will be a blessed and happy one.

Thankfully Unfortunately, I must remain in America, so I had to send my regrets. I'm sure it will be a beautiful wedding, however.

Nov. 18th, 2018




The good thing about being from a time zone that is two hours behind local time is that I can use those “extra hours” to completely finish unpacking and decorating my apartment.

The bad thing is that I lose some sleep cause I’m trying to wake up at a normal time here.

Any tips for going to sleep earlier? I’ve tried but I just end up staring at the ceiling.

Oct. 31st, 2018




We all knew it would come to this.

My arm and I have parted ways. It wasn't me, it was really my arm. And basically everything else in my apartment.

After this, I might need to rethink my connection with electronics and robotics.

Until then, I've got the Majestic Sand Beast and we're gonna find a pond and Thoreau this nonsense.

But I'm keeping the phone. How will I know when this is over?

Sep. 30th, 2018




I've had several more dreams this month, but with all that had happened I've scarcely had time to think on them. After seven months at sea, we've finally arrived in China. As I feared, tensions were high for most of the trip, though by the time we crossed the equator, I'm pleased to say that the general relations between the Chinese embassy, the aviators, and the sailors had managed to level out. I'm afraid Captain Riley, an old friend and my former first lieutenant while I was in the Navy, and I had an argument we weren't quite able to patch up.

Temeraire fell ill for a couple of days, there were a couple attempts on my life, and we were attacked by a sea serpent, but aside from that, the trip itself was fairly uneventful.

I am a little nervous about what awaits us now that we're in China, however. Relations between our countries aren't what one might consider warm.

Aug. 22nd, 2018




From the first, I had known that Temeraire's divine wind - his roar, which has, in the past, broken up air ships built by the French which had been carried over by dragons - was devastating, but I'm afraid that I didn't know entirely how devastating until last night.

An entire French frigate, 44 guns, swallowed by the sea. All hands on still on deck; not a soul could be saved. I'm afraid I dreamed of far too many lost lives last night, on both sides. Morgan was still just a boy.

Aug. 12th, 2018




I just returned last night from a long overdue vacation and I'm not entirely certain what happened in my absence.

Something with demons? Honestly this place is as bad as my dreams with the frequency of bizarre attacks

Jul. 28th, 2018




The barista at my local cafe just called me "sir." I feel like I may have been letting myself go a little bit lately, but sir? I don't think I look like a sir.

I guess it doesn't matter. My wet cap came out just fine.




I think it's about time I take a vacation. I can't remember the last time I did, so any recommendations as to what would be a good destination is most welcome.

Jul. 27th, 2018




I must apologize to everyone for I feared this whole community was a bit bonkers. Talking about dreams as if it were another life, items randomly appearing in their rooms? You can't fault a woman for not believing it! At least until recently.

It seems I'm officially apart of the club, although I'm not sure what to think of it. I was sitting on a cloud, powdering my nose when I received a letter from two children in a request for a nanny. Other than the cloud portion of it, it actually seemed quite normal. I woke up almost feeling the mist from being up there.

Private to William )

Jul. 15th, 2018




Bast be praised I finally have more dreams.

It seems our interrogation of Klaw was short lived as he was broken out of our custody by some of his partners in crime. Only, one of them was wearing a ring identical to my father's. Only one other person had a ring like that one - my Uncle N'Jobu.

But there's no time to reflect, as Ross was hurt in the firefight. We take him back to Wakanda - much to Okoye's objections - where Shuri works on healing him. I find Zuri, our spiritual leader, and confront him about this ring. He tells me a story I never heard before - the real story behind my Uncle's death.

My father killed him in order to save Zuri's life, then covered it up by not even bringing his own brother's body home. And worst of all, my Uncle had a son - the very man who is working now with Klaw. My father left him there in America too.

I don't know what to do with this information. My whole life my father has lied to me about what happened to my Uncle and I don't know why.

Jul. 10th, 2018




And after some rumor and getting things all worked out, there will be a Bandstand reunion for Fleet Week (August 31st - September 3rd) where we'll be performing every night an abridged version of the show. There will be auditions for the ensemble with an emphasis on dance experience and familiarity with swing dancing in particular.

Jul. 9th, 2018




The problems of my previous dreams- namely, how to separate Temeraire and I so the Chinese can whisk him away back to China - seem to be resolved: I will be accompanying Temeraire to China. I cannot say it sits right with me, being taken out of the front lines of one of the deadliest wars in all of history for more than a year (as I must. A one way journey to China, especially on a ship built like the Allegiance, will take upwards of six months, with favourable weather the whole time. We can hardly expect to be so fortuitous), but Temeraire has proven himself vital to the war efforts, and more important still to my dreamself as a companion and a confidante, and so every effort must be made to keep him British. Perhaps I should not be so anxious, however; if history holds true, there will still be eight years of fighting after our return assuming that we're both permitted to return.

If only our diplomat, a Mr. Arthur Hammond, felt the same way in regards to Temeraire. No, he seems keen on allowing the Chinese embassy to do what the will, damn the consequences. We have only just begun our journey to China, and relations are already strained between the British and the Chinese. I can only hope that in the next six months, no one lights a match to this powder keg though I can hardly expect such good luck.

Jun. 7th, 2018




There was this art contest and I won the second prize. So while I figure out how to use this wacom it was suggested I check out this network. I'm Feyre and you all seem to have a lot of free time on your hands.

Jun. 3rd, 2018




So now I know. I had a vague dream about this, but the second night they fleshed out. I was born in 1920-ish, and my dad was a pilot in the Royal Air Force. He was killed in combat, but he taught me about planes and aviation, a lot like my reality, just years earlier. I also ended up joining the Royal Air Force, and it looks like I am close to World War II.

I'm a pilot - who would have thought. I actually want to know what's going to happen in these dreams though.

May. 26th, 2018




I had this really weird dream earlier today and I've been so busy that I completely forgot to post on here, but it seems like the ones that everyone talks about.

I lived on a place that looked a lot like Earth, but it was called Naboo. It was kind of a fast forward of growing up in this world and discovering there's a whole other galaxy of planets out there. I joined some youth programs that taught about the government/senate and was eventually elected Queen of the planet. Who elects a 14 year old girl to be a Queen?!?!

May. 16th, 2018




When my dreams first began, we had a dragon expert take a look at Temeraire to determine his breed, and it was decided that he must be a Chinese Imperial, a rare dragon rarely seen outside of China. Whoever, with the revelation of Temeraire's destructive roar in my last dream, the same expert concluded that he must be a Chinese Celestial, rarer still than the Imperial and never seen beyond China's boarders.

It seems as he was correct, as word of our victory must have reached China, and they have sent an embassy to retrieve Temeraire so as to return him to China. As loathe as I would be to see him go, had Temeraire chose to return with them, I would have willingly said my farewells. But as it stands, they insist on using all sorts of underhanded methods to convince him to go, including lying to him and trying to force me to lie when Temeraire did not believe them, and calling me a thief to my face when Temeraire's egg had been won as a fair prize in a naval battle.

I may have lost my temper with First Lord Admiral Barham, which I am sure guarantees that, in the event Temeraire chooses to return to China, I will have lost my position in the Navy. Though that is hardly my most dire concern, as I disobeyed orders and saw Temeraire once they caused him to lose his temper, which is a almost certainly a court martial, but that Temeraire also scooped me up, quite of his own accord, and flew off to Dover to engage in battle.

I'm nearly certain that this means I will be arrested in my next set of dreams. At least I can still cherish my freedom in my waking life.

May. 14th, 2018




I have to say my King of the Dead powers are quite useful,and apparently surprised me with a visitor on Mother's Day when I least expected it.

Cut as there's mention of loss of parents )

May. 10th, 2018




Edit: I mean it goes without saying but this thread isn't at all safe for work.

Well, those gigantic orc buggers found their way over to the docks and that was amusing. That wood wasn't made to handle big muscled men like that.

I watched them from my little speedboat and thought to myself 'well, we're fucked, might as well enjoy it!'

Actually pretty sad all my new playthings have either been killed or sent back wherever they came from. They were fun, and I won't be walking straight for at least a month.

May. 2nd, 2018




Well it would seem that my mother still knows how to get me to do things. She wanted me to pick up riding again even though I live here. She couldn’t get me to agree through asking so she started by buying the girls and then Regulus horses, knowing full well that I wouldn’t be able to say no to any of the three of them asking me to go horseback riding with them. And that eventually my business sense would kick in and make me realize how foolish it was to keep renting a horse every time.

So allow me to introduce everyone to the newest member of our little family - “Cut )

Apr. 28th, 2018




I've been thinking long and hard, and maker knows I'm not ready to be a father.

But it's happening whether I want it to or not.

Apr. 23rd, 2018




I'm grateful that I was able return to work today. After rather shamefully falling asleep during a meeting last week and waking in the hospital a full day later, I was told that I should remain home despite the fact that nothing could be found wrong. Although I thought I saw a bench walking around this morning, so perhaps I should make sure that everything is okay.

I have to admit to being relieved to read that others dreamed of a prehistoric forest, though I must confess that the whole thing is rather confusing. Those certainly weren't my normal Dreams.




I'm well aware of what can cross over from dreams, both in the form of items and powers.

But babies, has anyone heard of those crossing over?

Apr. 7th, 2018




An interesting tidbit of history: It was once famously said by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord St. Vincent, "I do not say they cannot come – I only say they cannot come by sea" and in the Napoleonic wars, this was proven true. Napoleon was a clever general over land, but completely hopeless when it came to battling at sea, and Napoleon was never able to launch a successful invasion of England over the Channel.

Though, as history showed, he had once thought to invade England by air balloon. This plot never came to fruition either, as he was urged to avoid said tactic due to unpredictability of travelling by balloon, and the winds.

It seems that in a world where every major militarily force has an air force made up of dragons, contemplating the idea of invasion by air balloon was completely unnecessary. Napoleon crafted wooden ships, chock-full of soldiers, and was to have then carried over by dragon. He very nearly succeeded, too. If Temeraire hadn't discovered that he could... I'm not even sure how he managed it. He roared, and the force of his cry shattered the ships. But if he hadn't discovered that as his skill, then surely England would have been lost. I shudder to think of what could have happened.

Apr. 3rd, 2018




There is something rather unsettling about seeing Percy be a more believable Chauvelin than the man himself. Of course that meant I then referred to Chauvelin as Percy as the ruse was on to fool the woman who calls herself "Mademoiselle Guillotine", which we did much to Chauvelin's chagrin as he was thus believed to the Scarlet Pimpernel as there was no one there to vouch for him. Now to wait for the real Percy's arrival once again to get to the rebel camp. Still, there is something about improv in such situations.

In non-Dream related performing - I will be performing the role of Katherine Plumber in Newsies at the La Miranda Theatre from June 1st to the 24th.

Mar. 30th, 2018




Today was my birthday, but that didn’t mean that the OC had to give me presents. The only kind it knows how to give are Dreams, and I did not need them.

Armin, Mikasa, and I started bootcamp for the military. We’re only… 12? Who starts recruiting 12 year olds? It’s funny meeting all of these people in the dreams, I’ve never met them before but they feel like they should be so familiar to me. Even the jerk that looks like a horse

When we started training with the gear that lets us... pretty much fly, I failed hard. I turned completely upside down and hit my head. My sister tries to convince me that night to quit, for the three of us to just go back to the fields we’d been working in since we escaped to Wall Rose. I leave while she’s still talking so I can sneak onto the training ground so I can practice. If I don’t prove I can even stay upright in the thing, I will be sent back.

The next day, it’s my turn again. I manage to keep my balance for a few seconds before falling flat on my face again. After switching gear with someone else, it turns out I’d been given faulty equipment. I can do it just fine when I’m using someone else’s.

When I woke up, I had a trainee uniform waiting for me, as well as a necklace with a key on it.

Thanks OC for the birthday presents, but ...why? I already know I don’t… make it.

This was a much better present. Armin laid it on my side of the bed, waiting for me on my pillow when I got home today. I’m not sure where he even managed to hide it, but I love it.

Mar. 28th, 2018




Sometimes I wonder if I should've pursued photography as a profession. Or maybe it's more that my girlfriend should've pursued modeling. Or maybe both. You be the judge!

Cut for image, viewable to all )




Are you kidding me. I've gone dreamless for months and now dreams? Fuck you, OC.

Mar. 27th, 2018




There not enough words in any language for me to say just how wrong that dish is.

Mar. 26th, 2018




Well you see something new every day. Or at least I do. Leaving a site I was checking out for a client today, I got the joy of watching an old man drive his car directly into the doors of a pharmacy. I’m guessing they either don’t take his insurance or didn’t have his prescription ready.

Mar. 23rd, 2018




So I... I guess I've been here for over a semester now. Life here in California is so different than Seattle, and I think I'm never going to get used to this much sun. Or the random boughts of snow. I got some gorgeous photographs of it in December. It reminded me of this old snowglobe my friend used to have. That probably sounds kind of... stupid, really, but it does.

Life on my own is kind of okay, I guess, but I thought I'd love the freedom and instead I just keep missing my parents and their company. There's only so much space you can fill with tiny little squares of analog photographs. That's why I signed up here, so... hello, valar net. I'm Max... and I don't have any strange dreams to talk about. This place is pretty strange, but I guess you all know that already. I'm bad at this, so... what's your favorite photograph?

Mar. 13th, 2018




So I forgot to share with y'all that I found out what happened next after half my crew was about to mutiny. Someone blasted me from behind and shot out the fin in my head, which is why I woke up with it a while back all busted.

Well, in the dreams when I woke up, I was tied to a chair in my own ship and the half of my crew that turned against me decided to start executin' those who were still loyal to me. By sendin' em out of an airlock into space. Wasn't nothin' I could do about it but watch and feel sorry for myself I'd gotten my crew into this mess. All cuz I was soft on Quill.

Shittiest feeling in the world, watching good men die and being too broken to do much about it. I swear if Taserface were here right now, I wouldn't hesitate to beat the hell outta him and then put him full 'a holes with my Yaka arrow. Makes my blood boil that dumbass took over my crew and did what he done to 'em.

Mar. 12th, 2018




I should hardly be surprised that my dreams have resumed from precisely the spot where they left off, but after nearly a year with no dreams at all, it was rather disorienting. Napoleon's maneuvers still make scarcely any sense to those of us in the dreams. Given the date, I believe he many be attempting to get his forces in place for his attempted invasion of Britain. I wish him all the success there that he had in this world.

A more immediate concern was the discovery of a French spy in our camp. He had been a Royal loyalist, and so we had thought his deflection to Britain's forces had been only natural, but it seems as though he was only interested in stealing Temeraire, my dragon, back to Napoleon. He was, of course, hanged, although I don't believe anyone could have felt good about such a hanging, especially seeing the effect that Choiseul's death had upon his dragon.

I wish I could put more credit into the rumour that Napoleon's defeat is eminent after a rather crushing defeat, but knowing as I do that the wars may not end for another ten years, I can hardly believe it myself.

Mar. 9th, 2018




That war against the Orcs I'd heard whispers of as a child finally ended, but a new threat eventually surfaced. Leaving the safety of the Mage city, I joined my ex-boyfriend, Arthas, to investigate strange rumors, and discovered the village of Brill overrun with the undead.

There's some kind of plague running rampant through the nation of Lordaeron, and after it kills people, it brings them back as mindless creatures. I believe it was spread through infected grain.

We chased a Necromancer to Andorhal, and finally killed him after fighting through hordes of the deceased. I left to find reinforcements, but it was too late to save that town and I barely arrived back in time with Uther and the Paladins to save Arthas.

I woke up as we marched to Stratholme, one of the largest cities in Lordaeron. I think we're too late. I think they've already used the grain.

I wanted to enjoy the feeling of that magical power coursing through me, but all I can think about are those poor people.

Feb. 25th, 2018




I haven't been sleeping well. The regular nightmares are throwing me for a loop! Am I stressed about something? Ugh. They're not Dream nightmares, though. I don't think I've ever had a Dream nightmare.

Any tips on how to get better sleep?

Feb. 23rd, 2018




How do you find hope when the person everyone has pinned their hopes on has lost his own hope?

And the darkness is so very tempting.




I had the strangest dream. My mother and father were there, and my sister, Lila. We lived in this little village called Poteidaia. It was beautiful, peaceful, but I wasn't happy there.

Feb. 22nd, 2018




I spent several hours watching Curling both today and yesterday. It's actually quite engrossing and once you understand the rules, exciting to watch.

Well those are words I thought I'd never say about such an odd sport.




I love early morning flights that have been delayed. I could have slept in, but no such luck there. What they don't know is how many things I had to readjust because their dog-sitter was late. A had to resubmit a flight plan for their dog-sitter. It's going to be that kind of day.

Feb. 21st, 2018




I always thought parents were suppose to be the supportive type. You know, the kind that tell their kids they can do whatever they set their minds to and that they can be whatever they want to be. It seems my parents are the 1% in that area, both real and dream like.

I know they're just trying to protect me, want me to be safe, but telling your kid to settle?

I have a feeling I know what my next dream might be.

Feb. 16th, 2018




It feels as though it has been a long time since I was last here in California, though I suppose it has been less than a year. Even so, I see lots of new faces on this network and not too many familiar ones so it would only be right for me to introduce myself again.

I am Captain William Laurence of Her Majesty's Royal British Navy, working in California as a Liaison Officer with the U.S. Navy. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

Feb. 15th, 2018




The good news is that I only have eighteen units left before I graduate.

The bad news is that I have no idea what to do next.

Mar. 26th, 2017




So, looks like in my dreams dragons train for warfare. We don't just go blindly in like horses or something. I'm learning the hard way what it means to be a dragon in His Majesty's Corps. Looks like because I'm so rare and unique the rest of the dragons don't know how to react. Also it's never fun being the new kid on the block. Or, dragon. Brings back some memories whenever I'd have to start at a new school when Dad would get stationed someplace new.

Mar. 8th, 2017




It's days like this that make me wish I was still on active duty. I want to be over there fighting, not sitting here doing desk work.

Feb. 22nd, 2017




Perhaps I should not be as amused as I am at just how peturbed my dream counterpart is that there are women in the Aerial Corps, though it's difficult not to poke a little fun at him. I've served with enough women who were more than capable at their job that his reaction seems to me to be entirely unnecessary. I suppose I can understand how it might be a shock to a gentleman in the early 19th century that a normally secluded section of the military is secretly employing women, though it's less understanding that he was more easily able to accept a dragon for a training master than a woman for a Captain.

At the very least, I can say he's endeavouring to take it all in stride. Which is more than I can say for Rankin. How I could be so blind to his true character-

Jan. 29th, 2017




Well, it seems my dream self has taken to entertaining children with war stories. My nephew was quite delighted to hear about the time the Volstovic ambassador had some bad eel and threw up all over the Ke-Han warlord's favorite niece. He was also quite impatient about getting to the Dragon Corps. At least I seem to have pulled myself out of my never-ending pit of self-loathing. I was particularly tired of waking up feeling just as tired as I had when I went to sleep the night before.

Jan. 25th, 2017




Well that didn't take long.

Seems I just had one of those dreams, the ones with a capital "D".

What did I dream of, you ask?

Apparently of being born. Or more accurately, hatching from an egg. Which sounds weird in itself except it gets kinda cool: I'm a freakin' dragon.

I may have to tell mom this. She'll think it's some sort of sign of good fortune, especially considering I was born in the Year of the Dragon!