
Posts Tagged: 'wendy+darling'

Aug. 12th, 2013




And now there is a tent behind my house. Not like a tent you camp in, but one from my dreams. It's huge. There is an actual ornate, king sized bed and a large table with actual maps of Westeros and hangings and candles and it's all exactly like in my dreams. Completely authentic. I'm glad I own the part of the beach behind my house, otherwise this would be harder to explain.

Aside from the tent, I dreamt about laying claim to the Iron Throne with the assistance of Loras' father. I have this feeling that my dreams are getting close to the end.

Aug. 5th, 2013



Today's theme song?

In other news, I'm still me. At least for now. Fair warning if I end up in the body of someone 21 or over I might take it to da club.




Hey Valarnet, didja miss me?

You didn't even notice I was gone, did you? Thanks. No, really that means a lot.

I guess I got a few things to say here about what I've been up to in my absence.

Some of it I've probably already said, but I'm on quite a bit of valium right now so everything is comfy cozy and you'll have to bear with me.

  • Got my ass married.
  • Surprise.
  • Quit drinking (I know I talked about that. I remember talking about that. Right? Right.)
  • Had a seizure and ended up in the hospital under observation for a week while I detoxed.
  • A certain angel of mine needs a medal of friggen' honor for not only going out and buying every single pokémon game while, in my even more drugged up stupor, I said I wanted to play pokémon (actually what I think I said was choose you Casicuno and I'M NOT ANY GOOD AT MARIO KART RIGHT NOW MY THUMBS DON'T WORK YOSHI GET IN THE DAMN BALL) and then bought another system so that he could play with me and I'm pretty sure thought about getting a friggen gameboy color just in case.
  • He also gets medals for, I think, only leaving my room twice the whole friggen week and managing to combine his endearing, earnest powers with my giant fits of not being a very good person to be around to get me a single room after day one. Like, I'm 90% sure he used my hospital pretend shower thing and every time I woke up he was there and only once did he smuggle in pie for me. It was pie and pokémon. That was all he left for. That's how you know you have a keeper.
  • Possibly no longer have a job because of being kind of unfit to work? I'm not sure. I really need to call and check on that.

And I'm back in my own bed now. Earlier was spent watching Shark Week on the good TV (instead of the hospital one, which true to his word, Cas reminded me of,) and now I'm just sort of staring at the laptop filling space when really I should be making out with my husband since I'm not all hooked up to IVs and the bed is a whole decent size and I can roll over.

Never take rolling over for granted.


Rolling over is amazing.

Cas is here.

Have I mentioned that I love Cas? Because I love Cas.

Oh, and that beautiful, wonderful bastard took my name. True friggen' love right there. Didn't even know he was going to do that until he'd already filled out the paperwork.



I need to stop typing. I'm going to go pass out on Cas now. Get him all in my arms and not let him go because I can. It's going to be the most painfully adorable thing you've never seen. Unless you're in our room. In which case, I'm gonna have to ask first why you're in our room and second, for you to leave. This is our room. There's another bed down the hall. Creeper.

Jul. 29th, 2013




OH MY GOD asjdklf;ajskdlf;ajskdlfa

image under cut, not filtered )