
Posts Tagged: 'verity'

May. 27th, 2014




Judging by the semi informative posts, the OC has changed some peoples' genders. If anyone is in need of male clothing, I have some extra.

May. 23rd, 2014




These are extremely creepy. I can't decide which is the creepiest, but I might have to sleep with the light on tonight now.

May. 21st, 2014




How is it almost June? Time flies by so fast.

Things are so much better now that I'm not having dreams anymore. It does so much for my sanity.

In any case, next month my first clothing line will be coming out at select department stores [link to them]

I'm really excited and a bit nervous. I don't want it to bomb.

May. 20th, 2014




So I dunno if anyone remembers that reality show I was on last year that I kinda won, the geeky one? They've called me back to be a part of the jury that votes people off. Not sure how I feel about that.

In the meantime they've been flying me to all kinds of Cons all over the country to promote this show. It's awesome, but I'm exhausted, man. I never thought I'd be tired of going to scifi and comic book conventions.




Some of you know already, but Frodo and I are expecting again!

And it's twins this time!




You know, I'm not much of a fan of how the dreams seem to stop mid adventure. The good news is, we saved the Court of Miracles from being blown to bits. Now we've been sent to help a mother and a child. It appears my dream self has an alarmingly similar history to my real self. Not the most comfortable of things to bring to mind. Ah well.

If anything, I'm reminded of how badly I'd quite like a family.

Also, in case you were wondering, only a mere twenty-two days left until World Cup time.

May. 19th, 2014




Who was it that recommended that Penny Dreadful show on here? Because OH MY GOD. I'm going to have nightmares!

May. 20th, 2014




David Thomas Snape was born yesterday at 9 p.m.

The baby and I are doing fine. I'm so glad that's over and done with though.

May. 19th, 2014




I've found assisting at a local shelter to be a very healing experience. I've been able to pick up my tools again. I no longer feel sick at the smell of sawdust and paint. Though it may be over for curry. There is a bit of light at the end of this tunnel.

Although I did run into an old friend the other day, and that has sent my head spinning.

I wonder if I might ultimately return to law. The idea has been bouncing about. I feel that I need a change. The people at the shelter know me as Ben, for example. I'm still not sure why that was what popped out of my mouth.

May. 18th, 2014




I feel a powerful urge to start a band.

I can play guitar and sing. Got any other musicians out there? Besides you, Mitchell. I don't mean superstars. Not that you aren't amazing or whatever, but I'm a lowly singer who just wants to jam.

Anyone else watching Penny Dreadful? Cause that shit is amazing.

May. 13th, 2014




Well, it started again. The new batch of dreams. I'm glad that dream-me is getting used to modern times. The list I keep is pretty hilarious. That's pretty much where the hilarity ends, though. I think I'd almost take alien invasions and Nazis over whatever weird espionage thing I'm likely about to get involved in.

But, hey, I got a new suit. I opened up my closet and next to my other one, there it was. It's not as spangly, decked out with the SHIELD logo. It's pretty snazzy.

May. 12th, 2014




In case anyone was wondering... the broom flies.




My dreams are more like nightmares. I can’t keep them out of my head.

I’ve been thinking about today. Not many people know that today is National Limerick day. Anyone know a good one?

Apr. 28th, 2014




Hello there, Valarnet. It's been a while. Just checking in.

Apr. 27th, 2014




My father's broomstick showed up in my bedroom. I wonder if it flies.

Apr. 24th, 2014




I am completely surrounded by pink streamers, balloons in many colors, and tiny bags of confetti. I refuse to open up the confetti and get it all over myself until tomorrow. I've also need to make sure that it's on high tables and not the kid tables because I don't want any little ones eating it. I just made a bunch of cupcakes, which are currently cooling, and I still need to frost them.

Kid birthdays are crazy. I think I may hire a party planner next year so I don't have to do this myself. But at least Natalia thinks the balloons are absolutely fantastic and that's distracting her for now.


I may be going slightly crazy.

Apr. 19th, 2014




4 more weeks.

I can do this. Just four more weeks. I'm supposed to be in bed and taking it easy, but that is so boring. If I have to lie here any longer, I might explode.

My dream adventures seem to be a bit more fun though. Being President of a planet is hard.

Apr. 15th, 2014




I think I have to sacrifice a child in order to save the world in my dreams.

I don't think I can do it.

I will be so glad when all of this is over. Even if it means I move on and I'm gone for real. I just want the dreams to be over.

In any case, Easter is approaching and I have already eaten my weight in chocolate. Mwahahaha.

Apr. 10th, 2014




I want my dreams to stop. But I think I know what happens next. And I don't want that either.

I'm so scared to close my eyes.




Gods, it's good to be back. When you think you need to leave a place, sometimes it isn't the place that we're running from at all.

Apr. 9th, 2014




This has been a whirlwind of a month or so for Anakin and I. Sometimes you feel like things are starting to slow down and then wham! something else crazy has to happen. I guess that's the trade off of living here sometimes. My dreams have just been cycling for a while now even though I know what my next dreams are going to be about - the uneasy anticipation is killing me.

But anyway! Now it's time to let you all know about some big events that have recently happened since this is a network and I feel like sharing.

* I am now taking on a postion at Stark Industries in the Legal Department.

* Anakin and I have officially moved into a house.

* Anakin and I are engaged finally.

And our biggest news: [cut for photo] )

Apr. 8th, 2014



Since everyone seems to have a pet on here, I thought maybe I'd throw a party in a dog park! (It's hard to get cats out of the house, but I like those too, just saying I'm not cat-ist.)

Who'd be down for a puppy picnic? I figured it'd get me to get to know some of you guys.


But no, seriously, Puppy Party '14, who's down?

Apr. 6th, 2014



So wait, how do you know if you have one of the dream things? Because I think I did, but I'm not sure I'm part of the Dream Collective yet. Want to know what I'm getting into before I drink the Kool-Aid, you know?

Apr. 4th, 2014




Cut for TW for death and loss, but viewable publicly. )

Apr. 2nd, 2014




April Fool's Day in an elementary school is an adventure....

Apr. 1st, 2014




Everyone's going on about being older or younger and I'm dreaming about being a viking. This place is all sorts of fucked up, isn't it?




I'm old. Like super old. As in, I just got escorted out of my own company's building by security old.

I'm almost as old as my dad.

This is so wrong.




Wow, I aged up super hot. Go me.




Something tells me I'm not leaving my house for a few days.




The school is going to start wondering why I've called out so much lately. Suffice to say, I can't go looking like I did when I was nineteen. And to make matters worse, Sirius is roughly eleven years old again, but unlike me, he thinks he's a child. Honestly, I could think of many things I could do at the moment, being nineteen again and none of them involve babysitting Sirius.




I woke up because I was having a nightmare and this is not my body.

Mar. 31st, 2014



So, erm. I was going to post about this but then all hell broke loose. Atton and I are having a boy.

Mar. 24th, 2014




[Cut for talk of bombing, terrorist plot, (trigger warning) but publically posted] )




This might be sort of a long shot, but, has any of Bucky's friends heard from him? I've been trying to get a hold of him about something, and, well, I know he's been in sort of a funk lately but it's not like him to just ignore things.

I'm probably worrying for nothing, but. If anyone can just let me know he's all right, that would be really great.

((Mild discussion in comments about the bombing.))

Mar. 17th, 2014




I'm about to go out drinking for the evening. I'm just glad people can see me and that I can drink, to be honest.

Wish me luck. And don't be loud when I have a giant hangover tomorrow. I think I might have to postpone any meetings I have.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone.


I swear my parents like to call me and converse in Italian just because they get tired of always using English. Which makes me either look crazy in public or...romantic. Maybe.

Bilingual family problems.

[filtered; Becks, Damon, Elena]

Mom is saying we need to have dinner next weekend. No one can refuse. She's cooking and baking. She goes "Stefan, I never see you or your brother. You're all so busy. Does Damon have a wedding date yet? What are you doing for Natalia's birthday? I want new curtains for the living room, tell your wife I want her to look over some with me. I haven't seen Elena's ring either. Call more, Stefan. I can't stand that texting. And tell your brother."


[/end filter]

Mar. 12th, 2014




Saving New York has some perks. They gave me the Statue of Liberty as a home base after my apartment was destroyed.

Since the feds won't let tourists up there any more.

Granted I still have to pay rent.

But Statue of Liberty! Take that Captain America.

Mar. 6th, 2014




This is good to know for any new dads or soon to be dads. I knew some of those, but there are some I wish I'd known when I was eighteen. I'm sure that some of them are different for everyone cause Lian slept in my bed a lot as a baby, but she always slept fine in her crib when I did put her in there instead.

Mar. 4th, 2014




It's finally happening. Easter candy season is upon us.

I'm going to go buy Mini Eggs and hoard them like a weirdo now.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




Thanks to everyone who came to my birthday party on Saturday. I had a wonderful time, and hope you did, too! For everyone who missed it, I'm still accepting presents. ;)

Feb. 28th, 2014




I've been quiet despite the tabloids but I think it's time I admitted that, yes, I am the guy who is engaged to Zelda Hyrule. That really is me. The dairy farmer.


Feb. 25th, 2014




I'm noticing a somewhat upsetting trend the last few days around here. That is, people forgetting their birthdays. And I'm sad to say I'm one of them. In the midst of work and the whole volcano incident, it was the furthest from my mind until I got a card in the mail from my parents this afternoon.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one, at any rate.




In the midst of the ash and chaos, I welcomed a...small bundle of joy? into the world. I'm not sure what the young are called. Pups? Its mother was a beast of burden and faithful companion in my dream world, similar to a horse or camel. Her name is Rooh and I've decided to call her wee one Owen. I think it's a male, anyway.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




I missed my birthday this year. I mean, I knew it was happening, I just didn't do anything for it. Same with last year. I think I have a better excuse this year, though. Seems like we, as adults, don't do as much for birthdays as we did when we were kids. They don't seem as important as they used to be.

Or maybe it's just me.

Feb. 20th, 2014




Since there's all the craziness going on outside I've decided just to hunker down at home with the kid. I don't need her going out there and breathing in the ash and such. Besides, ice skating is on right now and I'm totally fascinated.

Is it bad that I want to be one of those parents that makes their children try a million sports and hope that they're good at at least one of them? I would love for my daughter to be a figure skater in the Olympics. These people are so amazing. God, this is just too much fun to watch!

Feb. 18th, 2014




...I hate the garbage disposal. Does anyone know how to fix a garbage disposal? Or... get things out of it?

I don't want to stick my hand in there. I've seen too many horror movies.


BUT WHY THE HELL AM I A 17-YEAR-OLD-BUT-ACTUALLY-160-YEAR-OLD VAMPIRE IN MY DREAMS WHEN I LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME IN MY TWENTIES? And I apparently went to school twenty times, or something. How bored was I? And I still have a hundred journals to go through...literally.

[filtered; Damon Salvatore]

"Damon has lost his way. Though I have pulled my own life together, he continues to waste his. His bitterness consumes him. He is nothing but blackness and bile." Ouch. Sorry.

[end filter]

Feb. 14th, 2014




Valentine's day, bah humbug




[Filtered away from Chuck and Bryce]

So.... this is stupid, but is it normal to be this nervous about a date? I mean, it's Valentine's Day so there's that extra element to it. But it's been forever since I've done something for Valentine's Day and dating isn't my forte lately. Does this make him my boyfriend?

Oh god. I am over thinking this. I should just delete this post.

Feb. 8th, 2014




So until someone confirms for me that a pregnancy from your dreams won't happen in real life I'm just gonna keep taking a test every four or five hours and ban anything that produces sperm from coming within a hundred feet of me.

I might be paranoid. I'm probably overreacting. But sixteen and pregnant is terrifying, as is being twenty and pregnant. Okay maybe just being pregnant when you're not ready is terrifying.

Robin isn't the father. Don't ask.