
Posts Tagged: 'olivia+moore'

Apr. 26th, 2016






Apr. 24th, 2016




This whole thing that's going on is so very strange. I've never seen people swap bodies, but we do have this potion in my dreams, Polyjuice Potion, that allows you to basically morph into someone for a limited amount of time. It's really disgusting, but I don't think that's what's going on right now. I'm so very glad I'm not dealing with any of this. Finals are more than enough for me.

Apr. 22nd, 2016




How many times, exactly, should I expect to wake up as a woman?? This is bullshit.

No offence, Liv.

Apr. 17th, 2016



I bought an Xbox One and several games to play with Danny. Didn't know my life was missing smashing zombies with an arsenal of melee weapons.




I saw the funniest sight today while on a coffee run for work. There was this doll, maybe two feet high, just walking down the street with a muffin in her hand.

The animatronics were flawless! It was really like a porcelain little girl just meandering down the streets of Orange County. Does anyone know if it was a promotional stunt? Perhaps Pixar's new project?

Apr. 10th, 2016




My body is still on East Coast time. If I were still in New York, I'd be getting up for a run right now, but I'm not about to go running in a strange place at 4 in the morning.

Since I can't get back to sleep, I'm on the internet instead, mostly just to confirm I'm not the last person on Earth. This was the first local forum that came up in my search.

Anyone got any recommendations for a good place to get breakfast?

Apr. 9th, 2016




More dreams. Yay. I blame Max for jinxing me.

Helping to solve an old friend’s murder is a lot different than some random person. Especially when you try to attend the memorial and her new friends want you to leave. That was certainly my most emotional case yet.

I also woke up to my first dream ‘gift’ I guess you would call it. I don’t know what else to refer to it as since I have only ever seen it in my dreams before today.

Apr. 7th, 2016




The mental illness awareness organization I do a lot of work with, NAMI, is holding an event in Irvine next Saturday - outdoors, at a park, and there will be all sorts of things like a book exchange and food trucks (I think even complimentary massages?). But I'll be there in the 'community support' section, as a mental health care provider, should anyone want to drop by. I see so many people discussing their dreams and I feel as if I should make others aware of the opportunity.

On my own dream front our fortress, Skyhold, recently got assaulted by goats. Gassy goats, too. One let it rip before the other slammed into the wall and I don't even know what's going on anymore. It was almost as baffling as one of my advisers running out of the room naked after losing a game of Wicked Grace (I won't name names).

For anyone wondering about the actual goat thrower, he was made an agent of the Inquisition and dispatched to Tevinter to throw goats there instead.

Mar. 21st, 2016




I understand this whole dream concept now. It's eerie how similar they are to my real life.

All this talk about powers seems a lot less strange to me. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Mar. 17th, 2016




Sometimes I really enjoy my dreams and sometimes they're incredibly concerning. I mean, I get to watch the progress of an entire relationship with someone I started out hating and eventually marry. I wasn't expecting that when I started the dreams. I also start to see the decline of my relationship with my sister after she married that awful man (almost seems like art imitating life, but her husband here isn't that awful). I got to see the beautiful graduation ceremony from a magical school, but now there's a war brewing and I'm really not looking forward to what happens.

On the plus side I finally got my Head Girl badge and a load of Wizarding money, so if anyone wants to see a knut or a galleon, let me know, haha.

Mar. 13th, 2016



If I'm going to be turning into a werewolf at some point in the future, I really need to get drunk more often, while I can.




I'm the definition of excite for our Ireland trip. I've never been to another continent, I'm getting my green beer, and it'll be cool to go somewhere in which blood rain and evil monkeys are totally not the norm. I'm probably not going to bring any of you losers anything because I'll be too drunk to remember, but if I do, it'll be keychains in bulk. Don't ever say I don't get anyone anything nice.

I also managed to fit half my wardrobe in this suitcase thanks to those...weird, air-sucky sealer bags. Science, bitch, and I need options if I'm not in the comfort of my own home for fashion variety.

In other news, I'm "murder Fae bait." Fae might literally want to eat me. I don't know why I keep hanging around these people, I really don't. I'm literally something they can put in a stew and slurp up. But this fae, you could legit kill with herbicide because she was ~one with the Earth~ or some crap like that. Thanks, Bobo, getting strangled by vines or eaten was not a way I wanted to die.

Mar. 12th, 2016





No, that’s too formal.

Hi, guys!

Wow, that’s rude. Not everyone is a guy.

Hey, peeps!

Does anyone say peeps anymore? Okay, Urban Dictionary is telling me they don’t.

I’m Merrill! Good start. This is so exciting. Has anyone else felt like they didn’t fit in before they started having their dreams? I know we couldn’t have known, not really, but this explains so much. I’m not even human! Well, I mean, I am I think?, but I’m not in my dreams. There were so many of us—elves, that is. It was an important gathering of some kind, and it was all very exciting. I set something on fire, too! With my hands! Does anyone keep a diary to record everything they remember? I should really find those scented highlighters.

Oh! We share something about ourselves here, right? I’m a Cryptozoologist. You should visit me at my office! It’s cramped, really, and a mess right now, but I like visitors. If you let me know you’re coming, I could bake something, too. One of my roommates is a chemist, and our kitchen is probably contaminated. You know what! I’ll just buy cookies for us. Would that be all right? Does anyone have any food allergies? This is too long. You’re rambling now, Merrill.

I’ll just be on Tumblr if you need me.

Mar. 10th, 2016




Well I haven't done much of the social media thing since I was in college, but I figured I'd give it a try.

I just moved here from Seattle, the sunshine is a nice change of pace. Wow talking about the weather, lame. Now I just need to find some decent coffee if anyone has recommendations.

Oh right also, my name's Olivia but please call me Liv.