
Posts Tagged: 'henry+townshend'

Jan. 15th, 2016




For some reason there is an abandoned factory or warehouse in the middle of the forest in my dreams. Just hanging out, no big thing. And surprisingly, there wasn't some ax wielding masked murderer inside looking to chop my head off. Instead there were these flying things. Again, I know they're called "hummers", just like I knew what the sniffer dogs were called, even though I haven't heard anyone call them that - not that there's anyone around to call them that. Hummer is kind of a stupid name since they don't hum. They buzz like flies. But they do look like a weird cross between a hummingbird and a bat.

They're obnoxious and they dive at me, but they aren't as nasty as the sniffer dogs. Oh, but don't worry, they're here too. I'm getting really good at swinging this pipe around and killing these things. Yay. Good for me.

And I was kind of wrong about there not being anyone around. I came across this guy sitting in front of a huge boulder. Just chilling. If he noticed the dogs and the bat-things, he didn't seem frightened of them and they didn't seem to want to bother him. Just me. Awesome.

The guy gave me a little bit of history about the rock he was sitting in front of, but honestly, I don't remember anything about it. Then he started talking about this weird cult in the area and that he was doing research on it, or something. I don't think this guy is quite right.

Jan. 7th, 2016




I was prepared, I really was. I knew that people started getting dreams, because Clara had told me, but it's different when you actually get them, isn't it? I spent four days trying to pretend they didn't exist, but they kept coming back.

Let's see if I can remember it. Giant head in a jar. Bitchy trampoline who used to be the last human. The Elf &mdahs; The Gelf. No! Gelth. That's it. Aliens who farted — and I'm not even going to try and pronounce that name. Harriet Jones. Daleks. I was gone for a whole year because the bloke I was traveling with missed the time frame, say it was 12 hours, but it was 12 months. My mum thought I was dead and that my boyfriend Mickey had done it since he was the last one to see me.

It's all here in my head, and it's not fading. You know how dreams fade after a few hours? It's not like that at all.

Jan. 2nd, 2016




New year, new round of weird dreams.

That hole in my bathroom got bigger after Cynthia died. You'd think after that entire experience I'd stay out of it. Nope! I crawl through it again. Instead of going back to the abandoned subway, I wake up lying in the middle of this random walking path in some Forrest somewhere.

At least I'm outside now, but it doesn't seem as if I can leave the forest. There are chainlink fences all over the place. I don't know if their there to keep me in or other things out.

Dec. 23rd, 2015




Has anyone else seen someone die in their dreams?

Last night I dreamed that Cynthia, the woman who was with me in the abandoned subway, died. I don’t really understand what happened. She was in this little office on the upper floor near the turnstiles while I was doing something down on the platforms. I don’t even remember what it was I was doing down there now. She paged me over the loud speakers that she’d found away out. But before I could get back up stairs again someone broke into the office and killed her. Whoever did it was gone by the time I got there. I’ve never seen so much blood, it was literally everywhere and Cynthia…whoever did this had to have been insane as fuck. They sliced her up and carved “16121” into her chest. INTO HER CHEST?! Who the fuck does something like that?!

The worst part of it is she wasn’t dead when I found her. She asked me if this was all part of the dream. She was dying, so I told her, yeah, it was and that she’d wake up soon. Then she…just died in my arms. I’ve never seen someone die before. It was like the light inside her eyes just turned off.

Then I was back in my apartment again, like I’d woken up from some kind of nightmare. I heard sirens outside. I looked out my bedroom window and saw an ambulance by the subway station’s entrance and watched the paramedics wheel a stretcher out with a body bag on it.

I feel…I feel awful. I keep thinking that if I had gotten back up to the office quicker, I could have saved her. Maybe if I hadn’t taken so much fucking time killing the monsters coming out of the walls on the escalator back up, I could have gotten to her in time.

I just can’t get the look of her lifeless eyes out of my head.

Dec. 15th, 2015





I woke up this morning to get ready for my final and there was a small green creature staring at me. I was just about to scream and scramble, but then I realized it's my chameleon, Pascal, from my dreams! I can't believe he's here and he's just as cute as I remember.

He's currently in my backpack because I didn't have time to do anything else with him and I don't want to leave him alone in my apartment. So, now I have to ask, does anyone know how to take care of a chameleon??

Also, hair update: Definitely growing. It's a lot longer then it was at the beginning of the month and I'm a little scared to cut it.

Dec. 13th, 2015




In my dreams I went back to the subway to get Cynthia and I found that I could go back and forth between that world and my apartment pretty much at will through the portal holes around the subway station and the hole in my bathroom. Navigating the subway station is a pain in the ass, though. I have a map (somehow) and it helps a little bit. Sort of. Probably would help more if we weren't being chased all over the place.

First off its those damn sniffer dogs. They just kind of wander around making weird yipping noises and when they see us, they attack. But at least I can fight those (I do, Cynthia doesn't). I can't fight the ghosts that are flying around and moaning in my ears. Whenever they get too close I feel sick, my head hurts and I can't seem to move fast enough.

And I have all these puzzles I have to figure out. Like finding some kind of handle for the conductor car of one of the trains in order to get some crummy subway token. I keep hoping I'll solve the next puzzle and we can leave. I'm starting to think that's not going to be the case.

Also, I woke up this morning and found a red book in my living room:

Red Scrap Book (SFW, veiwable by all) )

This book is in my dream apartment and everytime I come back to the apartment I go and look through it for some reason. I'm not really sure why I do that either.

Dec. 9th, 2015




I guess it was only a matter of time before I had to fight something in my dreams.

Cynthia and I were looking for a way out when she suddenly said she felt sick. She went into the bathroom and while I was waiting for her, these creatures came out of the men’s room. They kind of looked like some kind of dog-hyena hybrid with these long tongues hanging out of their mouths. Only, I don’t think they were actually tongues. Two of them used the tongues as spears to kill the third and…suck the blood from it or something. Then they came after me.

I killed them using a pipe I’d picked up earlier. Considering I was scared out of my fucking mind, I did pretty good. Didn’t get bit or anything, which is a gooddamn miracle.

So once the heyna!dogs were dead (my mind is telling me they’re called Sniffer Dogs, not that I heard anyone call them that, but whatever), I went looking for Cynthia in the women’s room because fuck this, but she wasn’t in there. There was no way she could have gotten out without me seeing her. I mean, I fought the dogs right outside the bathroom door!

Nope, not in there. So, while I’m looking around for Cynthia, I find this hole in a wall. I’m not sure what it is about my dreams and holes in bathroom walls, but again whatever. Thinking maybe she left through the hole, for some unknown reason, I go through it. Next thing I know, I’m waking up in my dream!apartment by myself.

Ok, so thinking I must have had some kind of weird-ass dream, I start going about my business in my apartment. While I’m doing that my phone rings. My phone hasn’t rung in a fucking week and any attempt I’d made to call out had been useless since the line is dead. So I rush to go answer it and it’s Cynthia. No idea how she got my number. I sure as hell didn’t give it her, but there she is on the other end of the line hysterical and asking me where I was and why did I leave her and begging me to come back. Then the line goes dead. I hang up the phone and that’s when I notice that the phone line has been cut.

In my dreams I live in a horror movie.

Dec. 2nd, 2015




I can't believe it's still snowing.

Well, I guess I should believe it. Southern California isn't exactly known for its snowfall, so I'm guessing this is a Thing.

Kinda nice, though. Peaceful in a way.

Better than being turned into a demon horse, that's for sure.

Nov. 28th, 2015




Okay, so.

This is basically like Facebook, right? Cryptic angst-filled posts, random updates about what you found in the grocery store, the occasional article discussion about science, relationship status changes, sometimes cat.gifs? Hopefully cat.gifs? But probably less stalkerish and less filtered selfies to judge.

Whatevz. I'm Kenzi, I run a website called Titillations for all your freaky-deaky needs. Yes, those are used undergarments on there. No, don't ask me where my wares come from. My vendors are private. But the descriptions are 100% true. All transactions are done with complete confidentiality. I only judge a little.

What's your music jam at the moment, internet? I'm On A Boat describes me pretty well right now. If your ears bleed at the dropping of naughty words, don't click.

Nov. 24th, 2015




So, more dream stuff. Yay.

That tunnel I was crawling through, I don’t really know what was at the end of it. The next thing I’m aware of I’m sitting on this ridiculously long escalator going down and I have no idea how I got there. I don’t even remember crawling out of the tunnel and there’s no sign of it anywhere either. Even if there was, I don’t think I’d be able to tell. There’s literally nothing on either side of the escalator, except Advanced Darkness. I can’t see shit except what’s in front of me on the escalator. Its like I’m in some kind of surreal post-modern painting.

I get to the bottom of the painfully slow escalator and find myself in an abandoned subway station, only its not supposed to be abandoned. It’s the same station that’s outside my apartment in South Ashfield. I could literally see it from my window. But there’s no one around except this woman named Cynthia.

She is under the impression that she’s dreaming and that I’m a figment of her imagination. Any attempts to tell her otherwise…well, I pretty much fail at trying to tell her otherwise. But she doesn’t seem to mind my fumbling attempts and heavily implies she’ll repay me with some kind of sexual favor if I get her out of there.

Classy. But she thinks she’s in a dream, so maybe she’s a little more adventurous when sleeping? I don’t know. What I do know is that I go along with her because being with an adventures woman who is convinced she’s dreaming is preferred over being alone.

Nov. 13th, 2015




I’m sorry I ever doubted this place. I’m starting to wonder if maybe I’m being punished for it

In my dreams a hole has appeared in my bathroom wall. Actually, it’s more like a tunnel. A long tunnel. So what do I do? I crawl into it. It’s the only form of escape that’s come up in seven freaking days, so what else was I supposed to do?

The tunnel just seemed to go on forever and I took my sweet time crawling through it. Though, in my own defense, it was kind of narrow.

Then just as I get to the end, I fucking wake up.

Nov. 7th, 2015




Don't you love when your dreams have been all done for months, then you start again right before your wedding? And dream of being in the middle of a Civil War? Then it's completely blissful when you go to Belize for your honeymoon because no dreaming, only when you come back to reality they start again. God, Orange County.

I am on the way to assassinate a child-eating witch, however, so that should be fun.

Oh, and cute kitten. Bigby would be upset if he wasn't given a mention.

Nov. 5th, 2015




My best friend Hanna told me about this site. I'm surprised there was social media she didn't know about, but whatever. There's a ton of it, and I'm not exactly up to date on it all either, so I can't say much. I'm told I should be to promote my art, but self promotion can be kinda hard sometimes.

Since it's the internet I'm just gonna leave this Cat link here. Cats are still taking over the net right? I took that photo of a neighbors cat. I'm interested in photography and writing and all kinds of stuff. Also traveling, my family did quite a bit of it before I moved out here to go to college.

Nov. 3rd, 2015




I got fired today.

Turning into a demon horse apparently isn't a viable reason for missing work.




Apparently I should say sorry for this weekend. But I won't. Instead I'm gonna say you're welcome. Because imagine if Halloween had been normal and boring.

Oct. 29th, 2015




I've been dreaming of an apartment. It's apparently important. I dreamed of moving there. I dreamed of living there. No big deal. Pretty normal.

Last week though I dreamed about the apartment and...it was different. It was red. Like rusted up or maybe someone had slaughtered something in it. None of my furniture was where it was supposed to be. A credenza I had in the corner had been shoved over and a record player was where my TV used to be. It was like I was dreaming about a dream about the apartment.

Then this thing crawled out of the wall by the credenza. I would call it a monster, except it was human shaped. Bald, naked and zombie like. It crawled out of my wall and then crawled across the floor towards me, reaching out to grab hold of me and moaning. I can still hear it.

Then last night I dreamed I was trapped in the apartment. It was my apartment...well, the same one I'd been dreaming about before, except the door is chained shut. Not like your usual security chain, like someone actually chained it up from the inside.

I can't get out. I can't get out of the apartment. I've been trapped there for a week. And I don't think anyone has even noticed I'm gone.

Oct. 17th, 2015




So yesterday during a lull my shift at my day job one of the girls who mans the front desk and handles all the appointments asks me if when I wash my hands, if I wet them first before lathering with soap. Then instead of waiting to hear my answer, launches into this diatribe about how she'd been a nursing assistant or something during college and how not wetting your hands before lathering actually keeps your hands dirty. Then after I assured her that yes, I do wet my hands first, told me to pass along the advice and walked off.

That's usually how all of my interactions with my colleagues are. Only not usually about handwashing procedure.

Also...I've had two dreams in a row about an apartment that is mine, but not mine. I have no idea if that's a Thing or not, but I thought I'd mention it.

Oct. 6th, 2015




I haven't dressed up for Halloween since I was a kid. I've never decorated my house either. But with everyone around here getting excited for it, I think I might want to give it a try this year. Maybe go to a party?

Can anyone tell me a good place to get some decorations and maybe a costume?

Sep. 18th, 2015



Locked from Kitty Pryde

What're cool ways to propose to someone? I have ideas, but I wanna see what you guys think. I might be weird.

Sep. 9th, 2015




It's weird, the more I exhibit my old paintings the less I like them. I see where I wanna redo things and where I suck, and people are all 'oh no they're good' and I'm all 'yeah, well, they're not'. I'm not insecure, I just got better.




Heard about this network, figured I would check it out. So far it seems like a public dream journal. Is that the 'in' thing to do around here?

Sep. 5th, 2015




So, I noticed that people here talk a lot about their dreams. I really hope I didn't spam some kind of therapy or support group by looking for a job.

Sep. 3rd, 2015




My name is Finnick Odair and I own Odair Scuba Diving in Huntington Beach. I was doing some advertising on various social media outlets and I happened across this place. Looks pretty interesting, from what I've read. I think I might stick around for a little while.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Good Morning.

My name is Henry. I’ve been in the Orange County area for a little while now, but this is the first time I’ve tried social networking. I hadn’t even heard of this site until I did a network search just now. A lot of people seem to be here, so I thought I’d give it a try.

I’m a photographer currently working for [name of company], but I also do freelance work. I’m actually looking for more freelance work.

I do weddings, parties, prom, graduation, anything. If you’re interested, or know someone who is, please let me know.