
October 9th, 2020




One of Uncle Clive's people were telling me about this network.

Figured I'd join it and see what it's all about it.

Hello, I'm Wynonna Earp, the new owner of Shorty's for the moment.




I'm glad that I knew that waking up with injuries from our dreams was normal. Otherwise the massive scar on my abdomen would have been quite the shock.

[Private - Medical Community]

I am a liver transplant recipient and I expect that I need some regular monitoring and medication.

I also had radiation poisoning from diffusing a dirty bomb. I had minor side effects which has passed but the doctor in my dreams has said that it can have some long term effects.

Is there anyone who would be willing to take me on as a patient?




I don't know what all the hype is, but I decided to join this network. Names Johnny Lawrence. Fair warning, I'll probably forget about it for weeks and months at a time, but so far it seems interesting.