
August 28th, 2020




I've got five to eight more weeks until the California Bar Exam results are released. If I don't receive a letter, and I'm on the website, then I passed everything. I'm side-eyeing my mailbox now, though, just in case.


Help me relieve this stress of waiting. Sibling dinner?




Aslan, Chip, and Apollo would all like to let you know that I am in fact the world's worst dad because there were strangers in the house and I closed them in a room to keep them from running out to inspect/greet/trip said strange people. It doesn't matter that they had food, water, and a litterbox dragged into the room for the small time they were in there. I apparently deserve the shunning I'm getting.

In other news, when people come to deliver things to your house, does anyone else feel awkward? Like am I supposed to offer them coffee? Would it be weird? Or is it rude not to?