
July 26th, 2020




cut for image, visable to everyone )

While it's great to know we officially exist now, I feel it would have saved time to just ask us?




I thought I'd try making cookies today because I just wanted some. Followed the directions perfectly. The edges were burned and the insides were still raw. And this is why, Mom, you really don't want me to learn to cook. I'd just poison myself and everyone around me.




So it's lookin' like as business picks up for the summer so do the knuckleheads who think they can get into Lux any way they see fit and then start shit once inside. I'm gonna need a bit more muscle around the joint. So if anyone's lookin' for a job, I got two openings: one for a bouncer and another for security.




So, I thought my dreams were basically wrapped up, but apparently not!

I get to find out more about become a princess, the kingdom, and living with my real parents. I've got a lady-in-waiting who hates my boyfriend but she is pretty awesome and badass otherwise. However, my father is being super over protective (I mean, can I fault him because I was kidnapped for 18 years...) so we ran off to escape and these crazy black rocks started appearing in the ground.

I touched one and somehow it triggered the sun flower inside me again and my damn hair grew back. I tried to hide it, but it all came out during my coronation. Typical crazy shenanigans ensued and now I have to figure out how to be a Princess, respect the "no leaving" rule, and uncover this black rock mystery. Goodie...