
June 26th, 2020




If anyone is hurt and can't get through 911. Please reach out here.

It's okay to be scared, It's okay for any emotions you are feeling.

Just know we are all going to get through this.




Best week ever, said by no one.

Maybe the firm, I told them they could all work from home today.




So those Earth Giants are gone for good right? I hope so anyway. They were freaking Lace out even before she accidentally startled a couple.




Super weird weather, right? I mean, okay, getting re-routed to LAX because of fog is one thing. Not even being able to get past the county line for like two and a half days? That was new. I've seen bad marine layers but that was something else entirely!

Oh. Right.

Hi! I'm Anna. Maybe I should have led with that? But maybe not because really, what was that weather?