
June 5th, 2020




We should start like a dreamer dating service slash wishlist!

I'll start! I'm lookin' for a voluptuous redhead botanist with a thing for murderin' CEOs an' protecting the environment. Poisonous skin optional!




I totally get that June weddings are a thing, but holy crap am I up to my eyeballs in wedding cakes right now.

I've had my employees start telling people we're not taking anymore requests because they are non-stop. Maybe I should work on getting the machine message to say something about it, but I'm pretty sure 90% of people don't actually listen.

Oh well, at least the first round of weddings are this weekend and then it'll be smooth sailing.




So hi. I'm new here. New on the network, not the OC. I've lived here my whole life. Lucky me, right?

Summer's just starting and I'm already bored. Anyone got any recommendations? Nothing physical. I don't do sports or anything like that. Books, music, movies, shows to binge, foods to cook. Stuff like that.




Okay, so like, I haven't had any if these stupid dreams. Yeah. Stupid. I hope I never do. I like being me. Shopping spree, anyone? Mother has given me a decent amount of cash to spend.