
April 18th, 2020




Well I officially made it to the kingdom in my Dreams we're not gonna talk about it being named Corona, nope and there was a huge celebration going on. It was so much fun! Dancing, some little girls braided my hair, flowers, food, and it was just so much fun. I'm actually kind of impressed with it and glad that the version of me in my dreams actually got to see what real human interaction is like.

The best part was in the evening Flynn took me out on a boat so we could see the floating lanterns on the water. I got chills watching all the lanterns float up from the kingdom. It was absolutely beautiful. and we're also not going to talk about that song full of feels




I forgot how much I enjoy work. Definitely not the travel aspect, or even the long days, but just doing something. I missed it for sure.

And I've just found out how much Scooby hates when I work. My living room really suffered my missing our afternoon walk. Whoops?

At least I don't have anything overly valuable.