
August 4th, 2019




Of course the cell phone addict would be put in my group of campers. She couldn’t quit instagramming and taking selfies long enough to sign in at registration so her sister had to do it for her. She’s going to be in for one rude awakening when 9 am comes tomorrow - no cell phones from 9 am to 5 pm because those are our workshop hours. No cell phones for anyone unless it’s an emergency. And sadly “OMG I MIGHT LOSE FOLLOWERS!” is not an emergency.




Dreamed I agreed to write for the school paper last night. I guess that's one way to use my voice.

In these dreams I'm always wearing a hat. It's pretty specific. A beanie, turned up and cut into points so it looks kind of like a crown. I guess it resembles a whoopee cap, from like the 40s? I don't know. It's definitely not stylish today.

There was one sitting there beside my phone when I woke up this morning. Like, if it's a birthday present or something, great, thanks. But. Um. Kinda creepy. Do items from dreams manifest often? How is that even possible?

But here's the thing. I put it on and it felt right. Am I going crazy?




Home sweet home, Mom is headed back to New York! Have to be off my feet for a week, then rehab, me going crazy, and desk work to hopefully being back on the streets.

Spent the afternoon with Olivia, who asked me, "Mom, to be evil do you need a backstory?" I had no idea what to even say. Turns out Ollie been reading her fairytales. Our daughter is going to save the world or rule it, the jury is still out on which one.

She's still staying with her father so I'm camp out on the couch, trying to find something to watch.