
June 13th, 2019




It appears my assessment of my allegiance were correct. As confusing as it might be to me, the dreams are at least allowing me to understand the consequences of actions in a way few people can say they experience. Anger and vengeance are a poison, and I will not let them cloud my mind like my counterpart has.

Thankfully I have completed my course for the year and will not return to school until the fall, thanks largely to a very generous scholarship allowing my completion of learning here in America.

As this is my first time having a summer break, I am looking for suggestions for things to do while I'm off school. What kinds of things to people do on summer break?




I got asked to go to a makeup Launch party this weekend with my Agency but don't wanna go alone. Free makeup, and probably tiny pompous finger sandwiches to anyone who says yes?!




You know I’m pretty new at relationships, more in the Dreams than here, but even I know that sleeping with somebody to get back at your boyfriend? Tends to be a pretty shitty idea. No matter what we did he might have done to piss you off. We all ended up in the Neitherlands - which is this vaguely creepy area between the worlds that’s full of fountains that lead to the different worlds. But we don’t hang out there for very long after Quentin one of the other guys falls through one of the fountains. Instead we go to the library where everything’s good until I fuck up and read Mike’s book and realize how badly his life got messed up by the Beast and by me, and set it on fire. We get tossed out after that.

You’d think setting something on fire in the Dreams would stop it from showing up here but no such luck. Magnus? Does the Guild want a book about the life of a man who got taken over by the Beast?




Anyone interested in red carpet passes to the premiere of [Hades latest blockbuster name]? Father had the studio send them to me, since he won’t be in the area to go, and I just don’t want to but I know somebody on here might. There’s four of them so I can split them up between two couples if people want to make a date of it or something and not go in a group.




There wasn't any way I wasn't going to buy this when I came across it online. I feel it serves as a gracious warning for society.

Cut for image )




So, this being pride month? I finally came out to my parents. Subtle has never been my middle name, so standing there in the kitchen like a neon light while I went to drop off some things we borrowed was the very most me way to do it. It took Mom a few minutes to get what my shirt said, and dad even longer. She pretty much had to spell it out for him while I stood there nervous.

We had a long talk about what it meant, was I sure, was that Skeeter article from way back when right (ew Mom, no. Alice has always been family and Logan practically is now as well), and just generalized worry for me. But in the end, they understood and accepted me. And I am so so relieved. I've been keeping this a secret from them for so long. And they love me just as I am.

Not sure how the short skirted super hero talk will go, but that's for another time. Like. Maybe when I'm 30?

And I know I'm lucky and that's not how every one's parents have reacted. Still react even now in 2019. But I am so happy I told them, and I only wish I didn't hide it for so long.




It's weird, house hunting with Nico and Will. Because of Mom's show, I haven't really lived in our house back in New Orleans since middle school. We were always hopping around the country and staying in hotel rooms. I mean, they were nice hotel rooms, but still. Then I moved into the dorms at school, and from there their spare room at their apartment. I... honestly don't know how to look for a house. Or at a house. Not in any way that I can really contribute much to the conversation. Pretty sure "Carpet in the kitchen was an interesting choice" isn't exactly helpful. Although I stand by that opinion all the same. In the bathroom was even more an interesting choice

I just don't know how to give my opinions on what I'd like to see when I don't even know what I want to see.