
April 7th, 2019




God, it feels great to be home. With a real bed to lay in.




I think...

I think I just became a super villain super powered in these dreams. It is very odd. Waking up was so different, I don't feel like this is good.

{Private Message to Dr H. Quinn}
Hello, I feel it is important to message you in request of potential assistance, I was given your name in relation to dream trauma, since you may understand it?

I am worried, this latest dream... I am hearing things that are not there.

May I make an appointment to see you?




Heard some people talking about this place on campus. Figured I'd check it out.

Name's Tim. I like Texas, beer and football.

Anyone hear of any good keggers happening tonight?




I think I'm finally going to move. I'm looking at a studio and a few small apartments, since it's just me and R7 and there's too many memories in my current one.




It's just like my sister to freaking elope and not even tell me. I don't even know this guy, what if he's a loser? Or worse? Nesta and I might get along like oil and water but I don't want to see her hurt.