
March 28th, 2019



Blocked from Bo

This may or may not sound bizarre, but do any dreamers here have experience with becoming immortal or much longer lived?

I'm married to a Fae and I'd rather not grow old and die on her. Besides, the archaeological opportunities a thousand years from now would be interesting.




Alright, I figured it's time I give this social media thing a try.

I'm Michael. I work over at Out of This World Mechanics. Whenever you need your car fixed come on by.




Well this is going to be a very fun conversation for me with campus security. My dad is insisting that I find out what I need to be allowed to have my gun on campus. It's licensed, I have a permit and I know how to shoot. I just don't think that in a sorority house which I swear has to be filled with more than our share of airheads with girls who didn't have the benefit of growing up with a cop and all of his friends from the police department is the best place to have it. No one just happens to know UC:I's rules about weapons on campus do they?




It's been a little over a month now and I still see Vincent's reflection when I look in the mirror or anything else reflective. To others I'm still myself, which is good, but it's still disconcerting to see someone else when I expect to see myself. I hope this passes sooner rather than later.




What the fuck did I just watch? I was on twitter and someone retweeted a compilation video of kids throwing fucking pickles at each other. They were literally taking them out of burgers and tossing them at each other. We're fucking doomed if this is the next generation.