
January 31st, 2019




Vegas this weekend to check on the status of our new club The Underworld and see how construction is going. Hopefully, we are still slated for a memorial day opening--or at worst, 4th of July.


Elijah has been kind enough to watch Mare this weekend while I go on my trip, but I'm sure she'd love a visit from all of you. Just don't spoil her too badly.




It appears that I've started Dreaming again, but it's...different. This time I appear to be from a place called Paradise Island instead of Themyscira. And it's World War II not World War I. Though Steve Trevor still crashed on my home island, so that didn't change. But apparently I travel by Invisible Jet in these Dreams? That's what I used to take Steve back to America at least.

This is...very strange.




Remember the holidays when you were a kid? Getting all anxious and excited about if you were good enough to get that ONE toy you really, really, REALLY wanted. Waking up on Christmas morning really early and tiptoeing downstairs to see that he brought you...watching cartoons in your PJs while mum made breakfast. (Or maybe you guys had different traditions)

And now holidays are here and gone in a flash. They're stressful and chaotic and you don't really get to enjoy it like you did.

I feel like Christmas JUST ended and I'm able to catch my breath. Between flying back home to see mum and then coming back here to jump right back into work and get back into my California groove, I don't really know what month we're in. It's almost February, isn't it?!




Just when I thought, I wouldn't dream anymore. Bam new fucking dreams... So, there's a new thing in my dreams, something called a kanima Apparently it's some weird shapeshifting thing. It's about as creepy as the alpha from my past dreams. But no it gets better Derek and his fucking pack of babies is trying to kill me because they think I'm the damn kanima! Oh and spoiler alert, I'm not the kanima, fucking Jackson is!

All these dreams are starting to mess with me, I'm barely sleeping because of them, I'm missing school. Can they just, stop already. Seriously. I would like to have my life back.




Is anyone else as super excited to see Toy Story 4 as I am? I can't wait! I mean, the first three movies were so good. I'm not sure how they're going to continue! I'm just sure it has to be amazing.




What the fuck was with that house
I'm cold now

Alright, figured I might as well use this to say that I'm a psychologist. If anyone needs that kind of help, be it stemming from these Dreams or anything else you've experienced, I'd be happy to help. My name is Theodora Crain.




January has felt like the loooooongest month of my life! Looking forward to February. Any suggestions on something new I can try next month? Just feel like a challenge




Did anyone else notice that there are Girl Scouts selling cookies in front of all the supermarkets?? It's both exciting and terrifying. There goes all my pocket money! :( . It's Cookie Season!

What's your favorite flavor of Girl Scout Cookie?