
December 27th, 2018




So what did everyone do while they were stuck inside during the Christmas Day blizzard? Alex and I decided to bake gingerbread cookies. Then we watched Christmas movies all day.

I also decided to tell Alex about my dreams and my powers. I was surprised at how well she took it.




Maybe next year will someone remind me not to work the Christmas shift? How they hell does someone get third-degree burns from a frickin' turkey?




The great thing about the holidays is the amount of business I get. I fly charter so this time of year is huge. Families going to see family, and then wait for New Years. Seriously, half my salary comes in these two weeks. I'm looking forward to some time off.

Also, this snow is a pain in my ass. It can go now.




My nameless nightmare villain is no longer nameless. Apparently he has one after all and it's Zoom, and he's speedster from another world. There's a breech in our world apparently that allowed him through. So that'll be fun, I'm sure it won't end well for us. There's a third speedster trying to help us claiming he's from his world, but we've been burned so many times now by people "trying to help" it's hard to trust anyone anymore. We always thought my friend was the only speedster. But we also didn't realize the multiverse theory was not jut a theory.

My Christmas hangover feels better finally so small miracles. Never again. Ow. I think all of Christmas day was basically me sleeping in the shower, sorry Noah. Thanks for making sure I didn't die.