
December 2nd, 2018




I think that if anyone loves the snow most, it's Dragon. When he noticed it, he ran to the kitchen door and started barking until we let him out. He then proceeded to roll around in it for like ten minutes straight. This is clearly his favorite time of year.




I really dislike dream me... Like seriously. So far these last few dreams haven't been too insane. The only bright side to this is, it seems some sort of dance end of the year dance is coming up. That could be fun, and normal... I hope.




I was expecting to be the Christmas Scrooge woman this year, spending my holidays in a land with no snow. But it seems to have followed me here from Switzerland! This is quite the happy surprise for me. Danke, odd Orange County weather!




Guess it goes to show how used to the joint I am now that I don't even blink at a couple of inches of snow.

Glad I got me a truck with some four wheel drive, that's for sure.

Speakin' of this place, just realized a couple months late it's been a year since I moved out here. Can't believe it. Went from retirement in quiet ol' Missouri to the crazy OC. How long have the rest of y'all been here? For you long timers, what's the craziest thing you've seen?