
May 10th, 2018




Edit: I mean it goes without saying but this thread isn't at all safe for work.

Well, those gigantic orc buggers found their way over to the docks and that was amusing. That wood wasn't made to handle big muscled men like that.

I watched them from my little speedboat and thought to myself 'well, we're fucked, might as well enjoy it!'

Actually pretty sad all my new playthings have either been killed or sent back wherever they came from. They were fun, and I won't be walking straight for at least a month.




Can I go back to just being a thief and an escort? Before all the dreams, the powers, the heartbreaks, the skin? That'd be nice.




And the animosity between myself and Jack finally boiled over in the dreams. Have to say, two powerful biotics fighting onboard a space ship isn't the best idea, but she started it by charging into my office, screaming at me and started throwing my furniture at me. Shepard managed to intervene before Jack and I killed each other or punched a hole in the hull of the Normandy.