
March 27th, 2018




There not enough words in any language for me to say just how wrong that dish is.




I knew he wasn’t thrilled about moving into the house but I didn’t think he’d go this far I really thought it was going to take me longer to get settled into the house than it did. Benefits of it being fully furnished already I guess.

[Private to Rose Tyler]
Want to come over and help me explore the wine cellar I got with the house? Or just keep me company since Penny isn’t around anymore?




It would appear that I've fallen in love in my dreams. I met a woman named Sage in the 12th Century and would sneak out to see her since some of my siblings did not approve of her social class. Status has definitely gone to their heads in the last hundred years. So, despite the fact that I dislike what I am, Sage and I want to be together forever so I've decided to turn her.

I don't know if I'd ever actually want to do something like that, in the waking world. Being a vampire is nothing like the movies and tv shows make it out to be.




Couldn't I get dreams about me waking up with the person I care most about standing there waiting for me and the Resistance is all safe and sound and the First Order defeated?

Too much to ask, universe?

Also, why is it every woman I run into in the dreams ends up kicking my ass? What'd I do to deserve that? Why can't it just be like "Hi Finn, nice to meet you." Not "WHERE ARE YOU GOING" and then I get my ass whooped.