
March 19th, 2018




Lesson learned: experimenting with powers you have in your head leads to giving yourself a migraine from hell that you try to drink into the ground then fuck up your mental organization and end up worse off than you started.

A few weeks later and I'm finally functional again. So glad the Cafe runs without my brain functional. I am so freaking worn out it's beyond ridiculous. That said, it made nothing better. I'm so over this untouchable bullshit.

Also, I think I'll be laying off experimenting for a while. That was terribly unpleasant.




I was told that this website is a good way to get to know people here, but so far all I see is a lot of oversharing about Dreams. Is this a California thing or something? There, I posted. Happy Logan?




If the Dreams could not make my life awkward right before a major presentation in my psych class, that would be great. I could have lived without the experience of waking up next to Penny after a Dream of meeting some cute musician who had me completely tongue-tied. I’m just hoping that he was trying not to listen in on my thoughts this morning.

I didn’t have time to review my notes before class, so I went into the presentation barely prepared and having to constantly look down at my note cards because I just couldn’t quit feeling guilty get my head on straight.




You know, as a bartender I hear some pretty crazy things from people once they’ve had a few libations. Yesterday evening a guy insisted that Daylight Savings Time was a government conspiracy designed to bolster Big Electric and as such he was going to refuse to observe it. He doesn’t believe in time zones either, apparently. Not entirely sure how that’s working out for him, but it was pretty funny to listen to.




What the hell? It's snowing out! It's actually snowing!!

...why is it snowing?



Filtered away from Corvo

Last night was... not okay, and this morning was worse. I thought I was brave when I left my father's shadow to come here, and I thought I could have courage when I decided to switch genres. But I don't know if I have the bravery to handle what the dreams are showing me, or the things I'm facing now here in reality.

The Elizabeth in the dreams is so naive and impressionable, but what is she becoming? Who will I be when this is all over?

And then I had to fire the only person in my life I really trusted. Go ahead and write an article about that, Rita. We're waiting.

OOC Edit: there will likely be some discussion of murder/blood in the comments




Yeah, I should have seen that coming. Guess some people are meant to die. Couldn't save her there, either. And this time, I take the blame while the Empress's killers are free and Emily is in danger.

Great timing on getting fired too