
December 30th, 2017




Well, I suppose it wouldn't be a month here without needing to shoot something, now would it? Though I do wish the universe would look for inspiration outside of Tim Burton to do it. I imagine it's giving people a complex.

That said, this year is certainly one I'm quite pleased to see go.




I had the strangest dream last night. I was thirteen years old and in middle school, but it wasn’t my middle school. I think I might have been in Japan? There was a white cat that was pretty much stalking me, from gymnastics, to volleyball practice, and even after school tutoring. He kept getting in my way as I kept trying to give an upperclassman a love letter.

It turned into a dream within a dream then. The white cat was talking to me, and he gave me a gold moon shaped compact. We were then floating in space, between Earth and the planet Venus. He told me I was from another planet, and had a castle there, and meant to protect the earth. It was all very weird.

I woke back up into the first dream and tied a red ribbon into my hair, since the upperclassman told me how nice it would look on me the day before. I tried to give him my letter, and the white cat returned. And was talking again. I couldn’t understand why he kept getting between me and the boy. I yelled at the cat, and when I looked back up, the boy was flirting with another girl with a red ribbon in her hair.

It completely broke my heart, and I started to run off. But the boy saw me and sent the girl after me. Not to see if I was okay or anything that would have made any sort of sense, but to attack me. The cat then gave me a pen and told me to transform. Or maybe the PEN told me to transform… I don’t even know. Anyway one of them said he was a monster and I was the only one that could save everyone. I had to hold up the pen and yell “Moon Power Transform!” Which gave me a mask and skimpier version of my school uniform. REALLY not sure how that was helping anything. But it did make me feel some sort of energy rushing through me. I called myself Sailor V and knocked out the poor mind controlled girl he sent after me. The cat told me to take the compact from the spacedream and hold it up to see his true form. ...The guy’s form, not the cat’s. I yelled out something else, and it sucked the monster into the compact.

The cat followed me home after that and finally introduced himself as I sulked on my bed. He said his name was Artemis and that I needed to put the compact under the moonlight to charge. ...Cat, please give me a phone and laptop that charge the same way?

When I woke up, my hair was tied back in a red ribbon. Which… I am pretty sure I haven’t owned one since my hair was it’s natural colour.