
November 16th, 2017




Hello, one and all! I am nervous, and happy, and flaily, with the movie I am in debuting tomorrow/Friday.

I'm incredibly lucky to have been able to get the part I got, and the cast and crew I get, and they made it an amazing film. I hope you all really like it.

It's a lot action, a little romance, and a lot of fun. And I have to say, Anna is awesome in it.




I got a very odd call from my mum and dad today saying that they wanted to fly from London and experience "an American Thanksgiving." I told them I'd come visit them for Christmas instead. The last thing I want is for Amy and Rory to be here when something happens, because honestly, something always does. And knowing how much my parents are like my dream parents it just seems a terrible idea.

Honestly, how do the rest of you handle that?




The holidays are always so depressing

Its that time of year again. You know the time, when everything that's been going good suddenly takes a downward spiral.

No reason to suspect this year will be any different.