
September 26th, 2017




Well, nothin' like being recalled to the Navy base at Seal Beach because a damn mystery tower showed up outta nowhere. And of course I can't roll up there in my Storm Trooper armor. So it's all Navy SEAL time for now.

And go figure none of my weapons work. Ever try punching an armored soldier? Yeah, not fun.




And in the latest round of trying to put on a show while in Orange County.... getting props together and prop muskets and rapiers suddenly become actual weapons. And the set piece of the guillotine that's under construction? Now an actual guillotine. Because of course it is. At least we're only in rehearsals and haven't gotten to actually using said props instead of being in production.

I swear, I'm beginning to think I should start a blog on what to expect when putting on shows in Orange County.




Well. Today has been interesting. To see my charge blade be turned completely harmless was not how I anticipated any encounter with these hostile forces going.




My sword keeps getting extra heavy every time I try to use it. Sometimes it just swings too wide. This is ridiculous.




Dammit! Somethin' screwy's goin' on today with my arrow, and now seeing all your posts I got confirmation that it ain't just me. Damn near got myself killed - normally that thing comes back to me straight away like a faithful dog, only, this time it nearly got me in my leg. That's on top of it missin' nearly EVERY target I whistled it to. I bet if I threw the damn thing it'd probably manage to come flyin' back at my head.

Knock it off Orange County, you're makin' me look like a damned fool.