
August 8th, 2017




You know, aside from having a Facebook that I use mostly to look at car pictures, I can't say I've ever used one of these social media things. One of my coworkers pointed me here after my babysitter bailed last minute and I had to bring my kid brother into work with me.

So, guess I should introduce myself. Name's Leon, 24, and I'm single, ladies. I like surfing, football, basketball, baseball, cars, and locking up criminals.

Oh, and I'm looking for a cheap (like, really cheap. Not that I'm broke or anything. I could still take a girl out for a nice dinner), reliable babysitter who can watch a kid during strange hours until the end of the month.




Round #3 with Hellmaster (may it be the last ever, peace out jerkface) went a little differently then I'm used to - Lord of Nightmares just went whoosh out of my body after Big Bad Destruction happened, no bargaining necessary - but I can't complain. My hair's not blonde, nothing's going into the abysmal toilet of nothingness, it's a good day. Now the next adventure involves finding the Stupid Swordsman a new legendary sword because his got transported back into its rightful overlord, and some idiot village mayor tried to convince me Excalibur was real so I punched him in the face. I don't know how I didn't get arrested but, well, can't complain there either.

In other news, Pete and I are looking for a doctor in our lovely dream community whose got some experience with genetics. We want to get our recently mobile child tested for this mutant gene, and I know there's a couple of you out there who might know someone?

PM to John Constantine )