
July 6th, 2017




The name's George and I just moved to dear ol'America.

Seems I moved into my new place just a wee bit too late actually. I missed all the fireworks, now whit am I going to unpack to, yeah? Side note: why is it so bloody hot here? I feel like I am wearing a wool jumper when I'm not. Gaunnae take a look around soon. Get a lay of the land and all that.

Och, right, starting Uni in the fall. Irvine to be exact.




Usually we go out of town for the fourth, but this time we couldn't, so I spent the entire day drinking and wearing earplugs.

I'm still suffering the hangover.




It's July fucking sixth! Enough with the fireworks already! Not everyone wants to hear you blowing shit up.

I'm glad that I never really unpacked cause Eliot and I are moving into a bigger apartment this weekend so all we really need to pack up is his shit. I do need to go out and buy some furniture for my room though. I think maybe I'll go looking tomorrow. I probably should have done it sooner, but I've been focused on getting clients and this apartment.

Also, is it just me or is everyone but Eliot and I an idiot in my dreams? Honestly, if someone is dead, leave them that way.





I seriously just won the lottery. THE LOTTERY. The actress that I was the body double for? She quit. Walked off the set. And there's all this legal battle crap about how she broke her contract... after the lead actor did, too. Well, they're desperate not to lose ALL the money they invested, so they asked me if I wanted to step into the part. So, of course I said YES! But now I'm FREAKING OUT because I don't know what I'm doing!!