
July 3rd, 2017




We traveled up to the Norselands in my dreams. It was something a long time coming, another one of those demons from my past I had to excise.

I ended up losing my memory, and Gabrielle was frozen in impassable flame. I was convinced to go through the flame, which restored my memory, and I brought Gabrielle back with a kiss. too bad that won't work here

Then the dreams shifted gears and I've got Ares on my old family farm incognito as a farmer.

Seem he lost his immortality, and some warlords wanted his head.

Seeing Ares tryin' to plow a field is a memory I'll cherish forever.




the more i learn about magic, the more i'm certain witches and wizards were meant to prank people most of the time with some time set aside for fucking shit up and then fixing that shit that you just fucked up. then there's just some stuff thrown in there for show and sparkles. like magic tricks. you can seriously just make bubbles come out of the end of your wand and then decorate an entire room with bubbles. the answer to your question is yes, yes, i did decorate my room with a lot of bubbles just to do it. don't worry, hawke, i won't let them make a mess of things. i am o+ at magic. i've been practising. obvs.




Three for three now where my brother's life is leveraged against me so that I am to learn the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel. No matter the differences between the dreams, some things remain annoyingly predictable.




Given the hectic nature of my job lately, I should consider it a miracle that my dreams have progressed at all. Though at least in that dream life Miss Thorne will no longer be a thorn in my side.

It also seems more of my dream abilities are crossing over. I will need to test them out a bit more, though. I could really use being invisible right now




So, there's a new game coming out soon called Dream Daddy that promises to just be dads and dad puns. I've never thought I'd ever find a video game I'd want to play after my dreams but this one's convincing me. Only problem is I'm having trouble figuring out who I want to be my daddy.

Valarnet, help your skelebro out. Help me find my Dream Daddy.




Just got back from a great weekend with two of the most amazing women I've ever had the good fortune to meet!

So since thursday was International Mud Day, I decided to take Sarah and her daughter away camping. We fished, trekked and played all weekend long, it was great! And I honestly don't think I have ever been so muddy in my life! Thoroughly recommended!