
June 24th, 2017




A rather substantial question, when considering theories on multiple worlds, is the question 'can signals be exchanged between worlds?' In some theories, no. Some even go so far as to say that alternate worlds are so far away that information signals cannot be exchanged between any two worlds. Individuals are bound to the 'parent' world and even though we have copies of ourselves in other worlds they are only counterparts of the individuals in whichever the parent world is. Though that begs the question, which is the parent world?

I think we all know that interaction, however, is possible. The dreams we experience are genuine pieces of knowledge about other worlds - we can safely say we know what our dream selves are thinking, correct? It's something I've been considering more and more as I attempt to couch my current research within previous findings. I'm always curious about how dreams play out for others as well, so if you have particular insights when it comes to interpreting the thoughts/actions of your other self, please, do share!

In other news, who knew you could send a Nutella bouquet to a friend or loved one? Whatever world we do live in, it is incredibly strange and fascinating.




If I was to start up a bi-weekly or monthly cooking class at Baxter Bakery, would anyone be interested?




I don't know what's worse, blowing a tire out or having a truck full of drunk men try to help. I'm sure their hearts were in the right place but I could do it in the time it takes them to stumble out of their vehicle.




Adding to the list of places I've been to in my Dreams but can't remember going to in real life - the Venetian Grand Canal with my mother. I'm almost used to seeing myself dressed in clothes from the 1930's in my dreams now.




So it would seem that in my Dreams my club is not only about flirting and entertaining customers, but we also work to help our customers when they are having issues with their significant other. It seems strange that one of the girls who apparently comes to see us often would have a fiancee when we are all in high school, but she does and he is apparently about to leave to study abroad for the semester. Of course we can’t let them part for such a long period with their relationship strained, so we come up with this plan to get them back together that involves dressing our newest Host up as a girl for the dance Kanako got Haruhi’s first kiss even though I tried to prevent it and he got to kiss the young lady in my place at the end of the night.




Okay so the only thing more awkward than telling my parents I had finally started dating my last boyfriend here was introducing him to my parents in the Dreams. Partly because we had to tell them we’d been set up by a friend. And that they’d had to talk me into meeting him, and partly because it was my mom and bio-dad in the Dream. No matter how many of them I have it always weirds me out to see them still happily married there when they’ve been divorced forever and my stepdad and my bio-dad are such great friends.