
May 23rd, 2017




IT’S GRADUATION TIME! Or, well, in a couple of days it is? Goodbye, Sunny Hills, I will miss you! Not your PTA, but the rest of you I’ll definitely miss. You’ve been the best costars, the best teammates, and best classmates, and I’ll always remember you.

I’m trying to think of something clever to decorate my cap with, but I really can’t think of anything. I don’t want to just leave it blank, though.




My dreams seem to have decided to take a rather bittersweet turn with the end of the school year upon us. My father was in the latest one, and he gave me a gift - a spare button for the dress he’d bought me. A bit fancy for me in my everyday life there, but lovely, and I know he had to save up quite a bit to get it for me. Or maybe he got it from the sorceror he was working for that ended up getting him arrested and charged with treason by Uther.

He was doing it for me - to give me a better life. Working with that man on an experiment without realizing they were actually doing magic, but of course that didn’t matter. The guards still executed him after he got of his cell somehow I will never forget the way his body looked in that cart. I wish I could claim that was where I woke up but of course I’m not that fortunate. The man showed up at my house demanding that I bring him his stone or he’ll kill me, and Morgana got sentenced to a night in the dungeons after challenging Uther about what he did to my father. She’s a wonderful friend both there and here. When I told her what Tauren did she left to go and tell the guards his hiding place so that the Knights could apprehend him.




I thought I was done with these dreams but apparently I’m not. And again Oliver is being a fucking douchebag. It’s not bad enough the asshole killed me and is the reason I’m trapped in my house as a ghost; unable to do anything to protect my roommates once they step out that door. He has the balls to show up and claim he’s there to protect us from the other vampires in town who have found out that Claire has the Book they’ve been searching for. He tries to get in the house and I fight him, getting speed and strength from the house that I normally wouldn’t have, and I actually manage to break of his fangs before Eve revokes his invitation and the house throws him the hell out.

Claire wants to show us where she hid the book, but I convince her not to because it’s safer for us if we don’t know where it is. Unfortunately I don’t have any luck convincing her that her plan to trade the book in order to get Shane out of his deal with Brandon, protection on the dorms, and protection for herself from Monica and her groupies is ridiculous and is only going to get her killed. But then the vampires are surrounding the house and the police are evacuating my neighbors so that there aren’t any witnesses to what they’re about to do to us.

I barely get the three of them into the pantry room before the sun comes up and I relive my death again but while in my ghost form I see Monica start a fire in Claire’s room to burn the house to the ground. She’s the poster child for balanced right?




I’m glad the weather has gone back to normal. Antoinette and I were able to sit outside while I did my last English assignment before graduation and she got to play tag with her raccoon friends. And I got to give them some fruit. They are probably my favorite thing about living here in California.

It’s weird thinking that I’ll be graduating in a few days but school doesn’t officially end until next week. What am I supposed to do that week between graduation and the end of the school year?




The school year is coming to an end, so what does that mean to me? A lot of my kids are graduating! So excited, but it also means a lot of work in getting the class ready for summer school and the new school year. A lot of decorating and trips to the arts and craft store for me for the next few weeks.