
April 30th, 2017




So, I finally finished watching Feud. Wow, if Jessica Lange doesn't win all the awards for that then the world is backwards. She was fantastic! As was Susan Sarandon as Bette Davis. Watching that makes me want to watch some of Joan Crawford and Bette Davis' movies. Anyone have any recs? Obviously Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? is the top one. Any others? I know some of you might not know who either of these women are, but I'm sure I can count on others.




Those electrical storms were rather fascinating to see. It reminded me of the Arkfall storms from my dreams, in a way. Both had lethal capabilities, but were also strange anomalies.




I am counting down the days until the summer break starts. Because right now I'm convinced that I'm drowning in papers and final projects and dreaming of mannequins and color schemes.

[Private to James]

Do you have any plans for the summer?




I had an eventful day. Put a baby bird back in its nest when I was out running with the dogs. And then I was in the parking lot of a grocery store for two hours helping people put their groceries in their cars. I guess I looked like a worker there. People were really nice, though, trying to give me tips.




So how long does it usually take before someone starts having these dreams? I haven't yet and believe me, I'm not looking that gift horse in the fucking mouth any time soon, but I was curious. Eliot hadn't been out here long before I got here and he started dreaming right before that. I want to know how long I have before I start to go crazy like the rest of you.