
April 16th, 2017




I finally decided on the location for my birthday party, so at least that's one detail out of the way. Now I just have to figure out decorations and everything else. Especially food. But I think I might be able to pull it all together before the 28th.

Private to Logan
My parents aren't dead. I thought they were for my whole life, but they aren't. I don't have all the details and I can't bring myself to talk to them. I don't know what I'd say or if I should say anything.

I found out a little while ago. I don't have a lot of other people to tell. Killian knows because he told me about it. I'm sorry if this is awkward or anything. I just thought since we're friends, I could tell you about it.




After weeks of dreaming about this power booster device, it has finally bleed through!! This makes me so happy!




How is it Easter Sunday? I started working on a project Thursday night, and the next thing I know it's Sunday.




Happy Easter, everyone! I hope the bunny brought you all kinds of goodies.

(We're going to be on a sugar high for a couple of weeks in my house!)




Happy Easter everyone! I totally planned on working on projects today, but it seems that binge watching Parks and Rec, and a few episode of Friends have taken all my time. Ouch.

I deserved it though. Back in the wardrobe studio tomorrow.




Question for those of you who have already been through high school: Is going to your Senior Prom really super important?