
March 31st, 2017




Did you know that in Miami you can be paid to be a python hunter? Burmese pythons. Met this dude in a bar who joined a government-paid team of 25 to hunt pythons since the area has kind of a snake problem.

That would have been good to know before honeymooning here, but aside from the snake jokes I could make, I'll just say it's actually been pretty awesome. Me and the new wife are pleasantly crispy and rehydrating with water and frozen daiquiris in the South Beach day-drinking scene.

Totally not worrying that we left our kids partly with a pirate. Souvenir requests are being taken as well.




So apparently dream me is a master of disguise, and infiltrated Robespierre's operation in France. I used my position to gain intelligence and which people they were targeting for the guillotine and use it to save said innocent people. I created the Scarlet Pimpernel to help get those people out of France.

And then there is my dear Shovelin who is far too sour and dour and wears entirely too much black. I mean, really! The man could use some color in his wardrobe.




I know it's the last day of March and tomorrow is a special day for me, but I am ready for it to be July. I need more Game of Thrones and the trailer just teases it. At least I have plenty of time to rewatch the entire series if I want to.


I was going to say something tomorrow, but I decided you probably wouldn't believe me and thought I'd tell you today. I wrote something. It's not exactly like the books dream me has written and not fanfiction. Between what you've said to me and dream me, I found some time. Would you like to read it?

Also, what are your plans for tomorrow?




Most recent YouTube obsession: watching songs done in ASL.

This Is just really interesting to watch




I'm looking for some more models for my art portfolio! No nudes or anything, I'm really just looking for people to sit and look interesting for half a day or so. I'll buy you some lunch from Baxter's Bakery and feed you some tea and biscuits while you sit for me. Any takers?