
February 23rd, 2017




I was told about this site, but I'm not used to making introductions over a computer screen. It has less of an effect than speaking to someone in person does.

Have to say, the nightlife here is a bit unexpected. Both worse and better than I initially thought.




So I'm just gonna put this here cuz I just can't keep it to myself anymore. I can't wait for some people to quit thinkin' it's just the water.

I know the right people are gonna know what this means, if they've dreamed that far.

All right, here goes:

I am Groot!




I've been having a few headaches recently, which doesn't seem to make sense Well, I can truly say that the dreams are not gone and I am even more of an idiot than I previously understood. And selfish. Entirely selfish I have learned something new about my nephew however. Do not leave in the middle of telling a story or he will have a tantrum and make one of his siblings have a nosebleed.




So I'll be taking my firearms test soon, I'm a little nervous to be honest! Does anyone have any advice before I do?




Just a little heads up, next week Much Ado About Books will be celebrating World Book Day for the UK! We'll be promoting great UK literature in store at reduced prices! Does any one have any favourites they'd really like to see featured?

Interesting fact: World Book Day for the rest of the world is celebrated on the 23rd April! This is because the concept originated in 1923 in Spain to honour the author Miguel de Cervantes who died on this day in 1616. However the UK celebrates St George's Day who is their patron saint. It also clashes with their school's Easter holidays and for these reasons it is now held on the first thursday of March.




My Dream Self is a bit of a moron, but in last night's Dream I really think she did some good. ...not like, solved a crime kind of good, but helped people kind of good. Sometimes it's just about stories and having someone there to listen? I guess?

Anyone heard of the Bryson brothers? Big sixties boy band from LA? Dunno if that's just a Dream thing or not. Thought I'd ask.




My dreams tend to go from the deep to the bizarre.

The last few weeks I dreamed of children manipulated by an other-dimensional being, someone stealing Spock's brain, we picked up an ambassador who's appearance can drive a human being mad. We were experimented on by a race that forgot what emotions were, and then later were trapped in an energy web while the very nature of the local space drove us mad.

Last night, we encountered a generation ship that had gathered rock and debris to resemble and asteroid and had to both break the inhabitants free of an over controlling computer system and stop the asteroid from impacting a planet.

So much happens at once it takes me some time to process the dreams. Sometimes I can dream of weeks passing in a single night.




How evil does someone have to be before you can unironically give them the name 'Satan'?




Okay, I'm totally digging these dragon dreams. I rescued a guy who fell overboard in the middle of a storm on the sea. Because it's the Napoleonic Wars and of course I'm with the British Navy. Don't ask, just go with it.

Anyhow, I'm still a baby dragon, or a really fast growing baby dragon (seriously, like Alien movie fast) because I can carry a person on my back now. A nasty squall starts up and one of our guys goes overboard, and I've never flown before but I just...reacted. Like "okay, dude's overboard, I'm gonna go get him. No big deal." Dragon logic, I guess. Nevermind it's my first flight, in the middle of a rainstorm.

I got the guy, it's all good.

But is it weird waking up and flailing about for a few seconds wondering where your wings and tail are? Because that's starting to happen now.