
February 7th, 2017




It is very odd, to go to sleep and then see this...story playing out that you are watching. My brother Petruccio was very sickly as a child, and one day he asked me to collect eagle feathers for him - I was not certain why, but I did it anyway if he promised to return to bed. Then he was killed, deemed an accomplice to my father who was falsely tried of treason Petruccio was stabbed here, he-- but I kept the feathers and continued to collect them in honor of his memory. I do not know why he wanted them - all I know is that feathers were often used by Assassins to signal that they have been successful in taking out their targets, but that was much in the past. Not so much in my time.

To my surprise, the collection of eagle feathers was by my bed this morning. So was my lute, though it was been years since I have played. Hundreds of years, if these 'dreams' are what people say they really are.




Now we're talking with these dreams. I'm a raccoon, that much is a given, and you know what? I've come to accept that somehow my psyche thought a raccoon was the best way for me to work through this PTSD shit. But whatever. Last night was a doozy. Me and the talking tree, whose name is Groot, by the way, become bounty hunters.


Can you believe that shit? And guess what?? We're in fucking space! And there are jails in space, and we got a spaceship, and like the badass that I am in real life I break us out of jails whenever we get caught.

It's great. Keep this up, OC water. These dreams are almost as good as going to the movies.




The best thing about February is the half priced chocolate on Feb 15.

[Filtered to Luke Castellan]
What are your thoughts on Valentine's Day? Love it? Hate it? Take it or leave it?




I think I had a dream! Or two dreams! They were two separate times! Only I was a baby both times! We traveled in a cart to a cottage in the first one and then there was a very interesting looking woman who came to my window. I think she was trying to scare me, but also I didn't seem very scared. Well, perhaps for a moment I was startled, but then I just went back to smiling. It's very strange to dream about being a baby. I don't remember my parents. I just remember three ladies taking me to the cottage...only they almost forgot me outside and they had very shrill voices. But they seemed very nice all the same. They reminded me of my Aunties!




When someone tells you that going into the woods alone is a bad idea and then following someone into the woods is a bad idea, definitely believe them. I don't know what is in these woods right now, but I know I woke up feeling out of breath and tired and I spent a lot of that dream running. It's too close I don't want it to I don't

I'm pretty sure this isn't going to turn out well.




I googled 'couples crocodile wrestling' on a whim and found this. Sorry, Scott, but it looks like crocodiles are way more dangerous than I'd originally thought. We might have to rethink our couples crocodile wrestling idea. If they were a little less chompy I'd be all in, though.




Okay, I don't usually celebrate Romani holidays, but Dragobete is coming. Who's ready to kiss some girls? I know traditionally it's supposed to be boys kissing girls, but hey, traditions evolve. I'm sure I'll be kissing someone else. Not a girl. Might make a pilgrimage to catch some snow to melt, though. They say the resulting water has magical properties if melted on Dragobete.




I saw the guy who dances as Puck for the first time outside of ballet class. He swung by Alice's Tea Cup today. It caught me completely off guard because he and his friends were completely punk! That seems like a paradox, doesn't it? A punk ballet dancer. He's really nice, though, and the group tipped well so they're alright with me.

I know nothing about the punk lifestyle except that The Clash is pretty cool. I must have looked pretty lame to them.