
November 18th, 2016




Go big or go home - this year's Thanksgiving culinary centerpiece is going to be a cajun turducken. Chicken stuffed into duck stuffed into turkey, so it's basically an edible birdception of delicious meats. I'll probably end up wrapping it in bacon while it cooks so all the juices get absorbed because why not.

(Mostly doing this because my troll of dad said I couldn't pull it off and I will show that jerk otherwise.)

On a more OC-like note, the dream fairy gifted me with my 'WANTED' poster. You'd think I would have gotten this forever ago - every dream cycle involves bounties, me getting framed for things I didn't do, and demons trying to off me left and right - but nope, better late than never. I'd almost be tempted to toss it out if it also didn't have a depiction of two of my traveling companions, and considering I don't know any of them in this life, this will be the closest I'll ever get to a picture with them.

At least we were expensive.

My cheeks also aren't as chubby as what's depicted on the stupid thing, who the fuck got paid to do this???




My dreams finally decided that it was time to veer off from my normal life. I honestly thought it would be worse, but it doesn't seem so bad so far. In fact, I woke up this morning under a mound of hair-dye and hot sauce! I'll never have to buy dye again. Not that I ever had to dye my hair before, but what can you do.




These dreams continue to be inconvenient in every possible way. The dreams themselves aside, I've recently found myself in possession of a new one ton animal that I now must feed and house.

Honestly, I don't know the first thing about horses, and if I'm going to ride anything, it's going to be my hog. Though I suppose it is a little nice to see Cinnamon alive and well.




I swear I’m waking up more and more from these Dreams feeling more exhausted than I did when I went to bed the night before. Claire’s parents showed up and were kind of pissed I think that she was living with us, and kind of accused me of taking advantage of her when I took her money, until I showed them where I’d just set it aside to hold onto for her and hadn’t used any of it. And explained that her living there was safer for her because of everything that had been going on at the dorms and how injured she’d gotten. Everything was going great - we were having a nice dinner with them and then her dad found the beers in the fridge and there was no way for me to make that situation any better. They gave Claire two days to pack her stuff and be ready to leave with them - not just my house but Morganville as a whole. She doesn’t want to go but…I can’t afford for things to get messy. I can’t afford for it to get out that I’m a ghost. The whole situation in my dreams is enough to give me a headache trying to figure out.

And as if that’s not enough for one dream - Claire told Shane about me being a ghost and well he didn’t believe her but who would right? I guess my materializing in front of them that evening changed his mind about whether or not she was telling the truth. Kind of hard to deny you’re living with a ghost when they materialize out of thin air that way right? But it gets worse - the vampire who killed me? Showed up at the house and Claire invited him in without realizing who he was. I threw him out but he used his voice to hypnotize Eve to open the door and let him in.

I’m not sure whether I should be glad or disappointed that I woke up right then so I don’t know what’s going to happen next.




I came home from school this afternoon and found the cutest little animals under our porch! They look rather like cats only very fluffy and have striped tails! I fed them some fruit that Maman had in the fridge and they seemed to like it! I wish I had thought to take a picture of them. Perhaps then someone could tell me what they were.