
October 3rd, 2016




While things have certainly improved from 1482, I feel that dream me would be quite disappointed by the way things remain all things considered. She has accepted that the change she believes will come after she dies, but I feel it would be rather disheartening all the same to see that greed and prejudice remain so prevalent.




So, hypothetically speaking, if one were to wake up and find a bag on their desk that contained the head of Medusa, what would this person, hypothetically do with it? Because hypothetically speaking, I wouldn't know what to do with it, because hypothetically speaking, I...this person wasn't expecting it.




Do you ever make a plan in the dreams and then when you wake up, you're just "Yeah, that's going to go wrong"? Like I get the reasoning but there's no way this plan is going to actually work.




More dreams, our group is still split up. I got Beth with me, young girl, full of piss and vinegar. I think she don't think I care about finding the rest of them, but I'm just trying to figure out where to start. I'm also wondering if they're still alive out there.

God knows I hope they are.




I've had the same song stuck in my head for two days and I don't even know when the last time was that I heard Tubthumping.

Also, Dreams have ended. Saved a planet from being blown up...or pulled out of orbit...or whatever physics happens when you blow up a planet's moon. Killed a count of the Empire, tricked a captain of a Star Destroyer into doing it, revealed that I'm a Jedi to a girl and got to go with said girl. All in all, not a bad way to end, all things considered.

Still though...Tubthumping?




Frantic wedding month starts out with waking up looking like a complete albino thanks to Dream Set #3 - white hair, don't care. My magic is zilch for the next couple days and I caved into getting coffee for the first time in what's probably been a year, but the next time I hear someone say 'ohhh she started Halloween early,' this hot pumpkin spice latte is going to be poured over their crotch.

So far it's a similar timeline with some differences, such as: the Queen of my home kingdom hates me, my sister's level of psychosis has risen a couple notches to the realm of potential abuse, and there's rumors going around in which I'm actually a 500-year-old reincarnation of a demon lord. There's a couple comforting constants, with Gourry still being an idiot and...well, no, that's really the only comforting constant. Still won't hand over the Sword of Light, either. What a bummer.

On the bright side, I woke up to a crap load of treasure salvaged from a bandit camp that mysteriously went up in flames. You know your life's made a complete turn-around when instead of hoarding the goods to yourself, it's all going into your child's college fund even if she's only barely five months old.

That also means I have some tiny clothes to get rid of because of time going too goddamn fast and her chunk factor increasing, if anyone needs 'em.




I feel like last night went on forever. Nightmares that wouldn't end of the Gateway between life and death. A thousand eyes staring at me and trying to shove information in my head at a million frames a second. Countless black creatures crawling at my body and literally eating away my arm and leg.

All these fun memories thanks to a creepy kid we found on Izumi sensei's island of misfit toys from beyond the Gateway. It's some creepy dollhouse nightmare shit that's for sure..Izumi doesn't seem to believe me that cabana boy isn't human but I swear I saw him...

And he has something of mine. He has my arm.




These past few days have been filled with lots of dream infirmation. Just when you think you've finished, it starts all over. Then there's a new quest. Not surprising given who we are, and what the quest is. It's important. Very important. It's still exhausting, though.

I really need to get a better nights sleep so that I'm not falling behind with my classes.




cut for undertale spoilers, visible to all )