
August 8th, 2016




I really wish I'd developed this.




Chocolate covered potato chips are surprisingly good. Addictive even.




Finding space for your zombie horse with a sword through its head (technically this makes him a bog 'unicorn') is a lot more difficult than one might anticipate.

But if anyone has heard of a place for dream pets? Mounts? Creatures? let me know. He's pretty self-sufficient and easy to take care of. Doesn't even eat much besides the occasional rotten apple I tend to find stashed in the kitchen by a certain someone who has a certain hidden squishy spot for the zombie horse.

private message to lina )



[Filtered away from TVD folk]

Man, these Dreams are weird. Really weird. Especially considering how many people that are in them and in my daily life, too.

Saying goodbye to Katherine was really strange. The woman who made me a vampire, the woman I thought I loved for over a century, the woman who came between my brother and me. It's just really, really weird.




Well, my parents' visit will be delayed. That's alright. It's just a delay. You'll still all get your chance to show a lovely British couple a good time on American soil. Promise.




Just when I think I might get our theme song out of my head, I have another dream. I will never be free.

Apparently we're swimming today in this garden in Tokyo Townsville. People kept taking pictures of everyone. Also there was a strange monster with a ton of eyes that started out smaller than us but blew itself up to be bigger. Until we knocked the air out of it and kicked it back into the water. Then the Professor freaked out about it because he said he thought he was going to lose us.

This resulted in him making a powerpuff robot? She's named Dynamo. Apparently he thought that the only way to protect us was to make us use this battle robot. Which we avoided using at all cost. We have super powers. Plus, when we used Dynamo, it destroyed everything worse than when we didn't. Even if using Dynamo was sort of necessary this one time. But seriously, destroyed things worse than normal.

Also I'm adorable in the dreams constantly. Now I'm really craving a root beer, though.