
June 5th, 2016




School is stressful, sure but...I'm not exactly certain what to do with time off now? Dad usually makes those plans, but he hasn't yet. What do people usually do on summer vacations?




Gods. As if the proverbial shipwreck couldn't get any worse - but actually, in my dreamspace, there was a shipwreck. It involved a very rare treasure called Eye of the Storm and the unfathomable things my own brother did to grant us passage on a Naval ship. I suppose he felt like he was responsible for giving us a better life, after our father literally sold us into slavery for a rowboat, so desperate people do desperate things. It was certainly a lot better, serving the King by joining the Royal Navy, than being a slave aboard Captain Silver's ship.

But regarding the Underworld nonsense, that's over. I hath risen from the dead there too. Apparently being in good with Zeus is beneficial in a few ways. I can only imagine what's in store for us next.

In other news, I'm rather giddy thanks to the recent appearance of two very important things - the rest of my beloved ship, the Jolly Roger, and the approval of the application for my PI licence. I'm currently studying to take the exam, with the lovely 14-pound study guide and 1,100 practise questions. At least we've come up with a name for our business - JR Investigations. Brilliant, no?

Am still taking applications for a pirate crew. My little sister automatically gets to be the Quartermaster.





Why am I wearing a black and red suit.... Better yet why do I have spider abilities... no better yet... WHY AM I FIGHTING SOMEONE NAMED KANGAROO?!

No wonder I got knocked out.....