
April 26th, 2016




Looks like I'll be utilizing public transportation tomorrow. My speedometer says I'm going 150MPH when I'm parked. Something tells me something is broken.




When you can't get to sleep at night and you stayed out extremely late the night before. Both work nights. Excellent timing as always, Dutch. This is why they invented under eye concealer, I'm convinced.




There's a bird that's apparently built it's nest right outside my window. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, I love animals. I'd love to watch their chicks(?) hatch when it comes time. However, it's two am. And this bird has been singing for the past hour.

I have work in the morning, I just want to sleep.




I am glad for multilingual tests. My English is good but my Japanese is still much stronger. I've gotten things wrong because of a simple word mix up and that part gets frustrating. Just finished taking my test at the DMV for my license and passed.

I'm also looking for a new place to study martial arts. Are there any recommendations?









I had the weirdest dream last night.

I was standing in a room looking at a woman that I couldn't make out immediately. When I stepped closer to her I realized that she was me. Except she wasn't. Not really. And she was looking at someone that was, but was not, me, again!

This went on forever. You know, like when you stand in front of a mirror holding a mirror and you see the multiple reflections in it. It was like that except with multiple versions on myself. It was so weird.

That's the last time I eat anything spicy so late at night.




Cut for discussions of dream violence, viewable to all )




Just when I thought I was getting used to dreaming about space marines, I end up dreaming about being a space recovery specialist. Brings back more than a few memories I'm not supposed to remember.

I also feel the urge to throw a PSA out there regarding seat belts. They're good for your health, folks. Don't fly down a crowded freeway without one. Trust me on this.




Note to self.... never reveal a hidden music club to six sisters.....




I swear these dreams are gonna give me a heart attack.. Least the inheritos are defeated and their home turned into a save haven for Spiders.




Insomnia sucks.

On the plus side though, my bedroom is completely clean and reorganized. And I've finished a few books.




I'll be playing guitar in the lounge area of Purgatory tonight to all our guests who are interested. I know you prefer me as a bartender over Damon, but you'll survive.