
March 4th, 2016




Do you ever wonder: 'What are whales doing right now?'




In continuing the fine tradition of giving me items after I could have used them, my dreams finally gave me my armor. More specifically, I woke up with it on. I may or may not have been stuck in it for the past three days.

Yeah, ok, I was stuck in it for the past three days.

The upside is that my helmet synced up to every piece of electronic equipment I own, so I can use it to text, check email and post stupid network updates. The downside is that in the process of getting it off, I discovered that I also have the armor's special ability and proceeded to fry every piece of said electronic equipment with an EMP. Also...probably every piece of electronic equipment on the floor my apartment is located on.

This post coming to you live from an undisclosed location, where I'll probably be hiding out until my neighbors no longer want to kill me.




...Does anyone else see people they know they shouldn't be seeing?..Like people who have passed on? I'm pretty sure I had a conversation with one because in the middle of it they suddenly were just gone.




I got the biggest thrill ever yesterday when there was somebody dressed as a character from my books at the event at Much Ado About Books. It definitely felt like an accomplishment :)




Falling asleep at work is not fun....




cut for TFA spoilery dreamtalk )




I wish to do a video for one of my songs. I am looking for people who wish to participate.




My nighttime soap opera isn't through yet. When I last dreamt I'd moved into an apartment with Nikki. Quite a lot has happened since then. In my last dream I set to vampire-proof our apartment with the skills Vasiliy taught me. Who should stop by for a visit but the man himself and our mutual friend Nora? They came to tell Nikki and me that vampires had broken into Vasiliy's apartment. Apparently the child we'd been living with let them in. His mother is one of the sentient ones. Anyway, Vasiliy and Nora were going to tell a politician that Red Hook was no longer vampire-free and they wanted me to come with, but Nikki was hesitant to let me go so... But then on their way out Vasiliy complimented my welding. It made me feel so happy. I never get compliments like that from Nikki in the dreams. I think when I was welding the only thing I got from her was "You look so gay doing that." It was said in humor, but it's still a far cry from a compliment.

Anyway, I've got a bad feeling about vampires getting into Red Hook. We worked so hard to clean them out. If they're coming back, they'll come back with a vengeance.