
February 20th, 2016




I must say that it feels awkward dreaming about pursuing someone that isn't my significant other. i don't very much care for the similarities between my dreams and real life, though.

People disapproving of me; hell, they even gossip behind my back. Although, it's not because of my sexuality...it's mainly due to where I am from. Still, at least, the Inquisitor seems to support my choice to assist the cause. That good-looking bastard...treating me better than most have in my 'life.'

Speaking of the Inquisitor, due to circumstances, I told him about the tension between myself and my father; the man tried to change me using blood magic. All this was brought on when the man tried to get me to unknowingly meet up with him. At least, the Inquisitor was honest with me and helped keep me calm when I just wanted to give my father some choice words.

The Inquisitor seems to be a man after my own heart.




Have I ever mentioned how much I love this place? Because I really really love this place! The blood rain was so cool. I don't think I'll ever get the blood out of my clothes though so I'll probably have to throw them out which is too bad because I really really liked those pants (they had cats on them!), but I'm sure I can find other ones that are just as good!

But that's not even the best part! There were these weird monkey things that I had to fight off with my hoopak and that was a lot of fun!

But the best part was the giant monster I saw! The one they were talking about on the news! I ran into it myself, and I barely got away! It was big and it was fast, and it had fangs as long as my arm, and long shaggy green fur. It's claws were huge too, and could obviously rend through skin and bones and everything else! And it had big red flaming eyes! And wings! Big scaley wings! When it charged at me, I hit it with some rocks to slow it down, and then I threw sand in its eyes and barely got away! It took flight and tried to find me that way, but I managed to hide under some crates until it got bored and wandered away!




Has anybody else noticed the weird fog outside today? I'm just thinking about the last time we had fog like this and I'm suddenly even happier that it's Saturday and I didn't have to go to work.




It's really weird dreaming about stuff then having it happen pretty much right after. I feel like I should apologize on behalf of myself and my friends cause what's happening right now is from our dreams. Hopefully no one has gotten hurt from any of this. Especially with the mutts yesterday. Annie and I ended up killing two at my place so now I need to replace one of my kitchen windows. Of course that's small in comparison to what could have happened.

I've been on the edge of my seat ever since the mutts, waiting for the sound of canons. This whole thing needs to stop now.





Something is wrong with it and it will hurt you. If you end up getting hurt and need someone to heal you, please feel free to contact me.




This fog is oddly inspiring. I have created so much art! Through a window of course!




How can fog make it hard to breathe? Was it polluted?




So having to stay inside for long periods of time with all this stuff going on leads me to the wonders of the internet and Fererro Rocher cogs.

You guys have to see this!





I've had about enough of this mess. I'm more or less camped out at the ranch, making sure my horses are pulling through all right. Poor things are spooked out of their minds.