
January 31st, 2016




Sometimes I have to wonder just what my dreams try to tell me. I save people, it is what I do, but there are consequences for saving people sometimes, as is evident with Ashildr.

But I at least remembered why I chose this face when I regenerated. It was to remind myself that I do save people. But when do I fail to save Clara? That is the question




It's times like this that make me wonder what possessed me to think going for a doctorate was a good idea. I've lost count of how many hours I've been awake trying to work on shit. But I'm not going to back down. This is why caffeine exists.




My Dream adventures continue. My Dream Self survived being electrocuted by that...that...terrible man who dared call himself a god and - as I suspected he would - our captain defeated him gloriously. Saved the entire island while he was at it, as well, although that wasn't really his goal. We rewarded ourselves by taking Skypea's treasure. Well, the Straw Hats did. While they were doing that, my dream self finally found the poneglyph she had been searching for. Like the one in Alabasta, this one didn't give us any information about the Lost History, but we did discover that famous pirate Gol D. Roger had been to Skypea once. I find that very interesting.

We then left Skypea with the entire population chasing us, as you do, and returned to the Blue Sea where we were almost immediately roped into some ridiculous games by some ridiculous pirates. The Davy Back Fight in which the losers have to give up crew members to the winners. Its like being Shanghaied, but without being drugged first.

In other dream-related news, I think I have my Devil Fruit powers now. Good in the fact that I will always have enough hands to carry things and have eyes and ears wherever I want, bad in that I can no longer go swimming.




I don't know. I just feel like everything is going to change.




Valerian has begun teething this month. Last night I think was the worst night yet. He had a tummy ache on top of teething yesterday, so he cried for a good portion of the night. We finally managed to get to sleep, later than normal, but now he's in his walker slobbering all over the toys attached to it and his cold teething ring.

While he's doing that, I think I'm going to take some time to play the piano while things are calm here. Well, after I finish my cup of tea that I desperately need this morning.




I just burned some cupcakes. :( It's like my whole world is turned upside down. The whole house stinks. Sorry to my roommates. I'm gonna go hide in my room and finish my assigned reading.



Locked from Non-Puncturable Star Wars Peeps

Yeah, so, you know those dreams you guys keep talking about? I had one.

At least I think I had one. I was a little kid in it at some temple, somewhere? I'm in a class, I think, like on a field trip or something, only it's all very sci-fi and we're getting a lesson about Jedi.

Yeah. Mother fucking Jedi. I haven't even seen the new movie, so why am I dreaming about Jedi?




Glad the fog is all gone. Glad January is leaving, too. Ready for another month. This one's been a right bellend.




My dreams have not been pleasant at all. Lots of fear, blood and death. The only good thing coming from them is the fact that I've been able to write more these days because of them. I'm nearly done with my first draft of my latest book, and I've already done an outline for my next one. Here's to hoping that, at the very least, they keep the writer's block at bay.




It's been brought to my attention I have no 'social life.' I've been working on getting out more. That hasn't been easy lately. I'm blind which means the visual effect of the fog we had was lost on me. I still felt---wrong in it.

The sun shining on my face feels good to have back.

I hope I'm not the only one enjoying the return to our usual Southern Cali days.




Is it strange I'm actually looking forward to Valentine's Day this year? At my age, I wonder if I should care at all. Life should be fun all the same. I can't think of anything more fun than a holiday celebrating a ritual slaughter with candy and flowers.




My baby girl is fifteen months old now. Time flies by before we know it. She went from being unable to roll over on her own to running around on me everywhere. My son is much older so he's a great help with her. It's only some days I wake up wishing her mother were here to see how she's grown.

Today is one of those days where I miss my wife.

I'm a lucky man to still have both my children along with the very best friend a man could ask for to help me raise them. I know I'm lucky. Some days I still miss what I've lost all the same.




Being rejected by the woman you're infatuated with is extremely unpleasant. I'm glad she hasn't rejected me in the waking world. I'm unsure how my dream self will ever get over Vanessa.




So the vacation thing is a go. I'm not going anywhere fancy, just to my parents for a week for some much needed family time anyway since I didn't get to see them at Christmas. It'll be nice to see them, and get away for a bit.




So I know that the New Year is a good time for people to start new businesses, so if anyone needs an accountant, look no further!




I'm home! Sounds like I missed some pretty crazy adventures. What's this about a fog?




Every time I teach a class, I always end up with at least one student who thinks Archaeology is going to be an easy pass class. I'm not entirely sure how these particular students get into a class like mine. It has certain prerequisites that some of these students don't have.

Are there other professors this happens to or am I the only one?




I wish I could have rewound December instead of this fog shit stuff in January. Understanding animals was a lot better in comparison.

Why do wishes have to come true only for a little while? That's the one complaint I got here.




Gremlins, blizzards, crazy ass fog--what else you think this place has in store? I hear this isn't half of as bad as it gets around here, too. Sure didn't prepare us for this kinda life in the field, and that's saying something.




Finally home from the shop. Finally. I'm exhausted, but my mind won't stop going so I'm playing as many rounds of Solitaire as I can stand before I pass out. The mindlessness of the game helps.

Tomorrow is another day.

Of work.

Lucky, lucky me.




Katniss, playing Candy Crush is not the way to get a business plan put together! While I'm waiting for lives to recharge, I'd appreciate any help or advice from people about starting up their own business