
December 9th, 2015




So this network thing is popular. I was told to try it. Apparently I need to be nice and social according to some. I'm plenty social. What else am I supposed to say? Is this that thing where I'm supposed to tell you all what I eat for breakfast and take pictures of it?...It looks like some odd spiritual network. Maybe I'm in the wrong place after all..




Somehow I have the day off. I'm going to the mall to shop for Christmas presents. Wish me luck.

If I'm not back in four hours, send a search party.




I guess it was only a matter of time before I had to fight something in my dreams.

Cynthia and I were looking for a way out when she suddenly said she felt sick. She went into the bathroom and while I was waiting for her, these creatures came out of the men’s room. They kind of looked like some kind of dog-hyena hybrid with these long tongues hanging out of their mouths. Only, I don’t think they were actually tongues. Two of them used the tongues as spears to kill the third and…suck the blood from it or something. Then they came after me.

I killed them using a pipe I’d picked up earlier. Considering I was scared out of my fucking mind, I did pretty good. Didn’t get bit or anything, which is a gooddamn miracle.

So once the heyna!dogs were dead (my mind is telling me they’re called Sniffer Dogs, not that I heard anyone call them that, but whatever), I went looking for Cynthia in the women’s room because fuck this, but she wasn’t in there. There was no way she could have gotten out without me seeing her. I mean, I fought the dogs right outside the bathroom door!

Nope, not in there. So, while I’m looking around for Cynthia, I find this hole in a wall. I’m not sure what it is about my dreams and holes in bathroom walls, but again whatever. Thinking maybe she left through the hole, for some unknown reason, I go through it. Next thing I know, I’m waking up in my dream!apartment by myself.

Ok, so thinking I must have had some kind of weird-ass dream, I start going about my business in my apartment. While I’m doing that my phone rings. My phone hasn’t rung in a fucking week and any attempt I’d made to call out had been useless since the line is dead. So I rush to go answer it and it’s Cynthia. No idea how she got my number. I sure as hell didn’t give it her, but there she is on the other end of the line hysterical and asking me where I was and why did I leave her and begging me to come back. Then the line goes dead. I hang up the phone and that’s when I notice that the phone line has been cut.

In my dreams I live in a horror movie.




I'm not getting anyone Christmas presents this year. It's just the way things are. If you want to celebrate with me, buy me a beer.

Job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck.