
October 8th, 2015




So amidst all the stuff going on in my dreams with the Inquisitor and Corypheus, I'm trying to restore my family to our former position as traders to improve our financial standing. My messengers though were intercepted and murdered and the documents they had were destroyed. The Inquisitor and I have a meeting with a man called Comte Boisvert who claims to have information for me. This should be interesting.




It's hella comforting to wake up to a gun on my bedstand.




A couple of my friends told me that I had to get on this.

Anyway, what's up, Valar Net? I'm a Emily Fields. I'm a student at UC Irvine. I'm currently studying social work. I also like swimming.




Hello! I was told that this is a good place to meet new people. I'm Mary Stuart. I'm from Edinburgh, Scotland. I just moved here recently for university, and I'm a freshman at UCI. I haven't decided on a major yet, but I've still got some time to do that, so I'm not really in a rush. I'm mostly enjoying being able to try new things, so far. I love going new places and meeting new people. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting to know some people here, too.




Well, I finally got some of those dreams that I've heard people talking about.

Yeah. I think I agree with some of the consensus I've seen other people have about their dreams. Mine suck. At least, the ones I had the other night certainly did.

In my dreams, I was in a foster home. Several of them, actually. Apparently, I bounced around a lot. Never really stayed in one place for long. As soon as I got comfortable, as soon as I thought I'd found a place I thought I could call home, I got shifted again. No one knew anything about me, either. Who my parents were, where I was born, even my name. In the orphanage that I kept getting sent back to, they called me Mary Sue Poots. Um...eew. I can see why I decided to go by Skye when I was older in my dreams. Not that that isn't so weird, as Skye is my middle name.

So yeah. Apparently, according to my dreams, my life as I know here is a lie. Good to know.




Chalk this up to things I never knew about before the dreams: Your shadow can come unattached from you. I currently have a shadow following me around my apartment and thankfully he cannot leave the apartment. In the dreams the way to rejoin us was to sew it back, but I'm not sure I want to attempt here.

Am I the only one that gets incredibly weird things like this happening to them?

In exciting non dream news: I got a whole bunch of new syrups at the coffee shop, so come stop by. The special of the week is a Boo Berry Latte with marshmallow and blueberry syrups.

[Private to Wendy]
Want to come help me with the shadow? I also got something else you will be incredibly interested in.





If you've seen the news, please, please refrain from hunting the spider. Please. It's my girlfriend. I recognize the markings, I don't know why she turned into that - and I don't think she knows either - but please don't attack. We'll, um. Handle it.





Locked to anyone who is friends with Peeta or Alyssa. If you think you are, you probably are. )




You know you've been in orange county too long when you turn on the news and giant spiders don't even phase you.



[Filtered Away from non punctured Disney characters]

Caspian and I have been having quite the time at Disney World. Yes, we chose Disney World for our honeymoon. Neither of us had been here before, so we decided it would be fun. We attended one of the Halloween parties the other night dressed as Flynn Rider and Prince Eric. We also got groom Mickey ear hats and Just Married buttons. I almost don't want to return to the real world this weekend, but I am missing my cat a little bit.




The hits keep coming. My grandfather was the one who killed the boy who was stalking me, but not to keep me safe or for any reasons you might be thinking of. Unless you're thinking that it was to gain control of my stalker's were-lizard. Then you would be correct.