
August 1st, 2015




It's oddly comforting that this spider is doing a mating dance. What's really funny is that it reminds me so much of guys at bars. HEY LADY HEY PRETTY LADY LOOK AT ME LOOK LOOK LOOK

But seriously, this is the cutest spider and I wish spiders liked kisses.




It feels good to be back at work with helping and healing people.




So I have one week left until my first Marathon in the United States. I will be running in the Summer Bliss marathon at Huntington Beach. I am very much looking forward to it. There are a lot of running events in and around Orange County, I believe I am very much going to like it here.




I had one of those dreams that just...I'm still shaking and I've been awake for hours.




First time in a long while that a day feels like it ain't bad.




Apparently there's a thing called Nitro Coffee. To get this coffee you need to sign a waiver. I could use this about now, but I can't leave the station so I've settled on the sludge in the five day old pot. I'm not sure this stuff isn't alive, but at this point I've reached beyond caring.




Hey, hi, howdy! Kinda overdue 'cause I've been back for like a week or something. But, I'm back? Pretty sure I was supposed to send out like a million texts (she exaggerates completely), so I thought I'd just, y'know. Say, hey! I'm back. Sporting souvenirs, so come 'n get 'em. Or tell me when you're free so I can come give them to you (especially you, Partner at law!). Really digging the excessive distractions. For reasons.

Anyway! I've had all the bad news I can take, so gimme the good stuff. Please?