
April 25th, 2015




I am 99% sure I'm jinxing everything in my life, but I'm really happy right now. I've finally got the house fixed up how I like, I have a boyfriend who's absolutely amazing, and school's even going really well.

So of course, something catastrophic will happen within the next week.




I was just sitting on the roof of my apartment building tonight, minding my own business when this guy decides I need rescuing. He bolted up to my side and got all dramatic going on about how it must be a cry for help, but really I just like the height.




Well, the 75th Hunger Games have begun. Not only that, but I got my ax. In real life. It was leaning against my coffee table when I got up this morning. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with an ax, but it's find of cool. It's heavier than I thought it'd be, but I actually didn't have that much trouble lifting it.

Not really looking forward to what's going to happen in the Games.