
March 9th, 2015




HAHAHA I'm not playing the truth game. I'd rather sew my mouth shut, not tell people exactly how I feel about their tacky clothes and shit that went out in the 90's.

It could be even worse, I guess. I do remember the last time word vomit happened.




Heard about this place from a kid at work telling me to either quit my grumbling or tell a bunch of strangers so he doesn't have to hear it. Why he thought someone like me would do well on this stupid thing is beyond me, but that's just how y'all are, isn't it? All online.

Either way, name's Bones. I'm currently complaining about my profession again.




The first shipment of shoes came in! My own designs, in several sizes, colors, shapes, patterns, and they're SO BEAUTIFUL. I might cry. I might actually cry.




I for one am glad the latest OC fuckery has passed me by.




Regular NHL season only has a month left. Then we get playoffs. Good time of year.




They say that everybody wants to rule the world, but in my dreams last night I actually got to.

By conquering anyone who stood in my path, of course, in the most ruthless and bloody ways. I don't think my dream self cares about her methods. She gets results.




I think I should tattoo "NO I AM NOT ASIAN" to my forehead. People hear my name and expect me to be. Yes, my parents are fucking stupid. Why should I change my name because they're dumb?

I'm Kyu. Sup.




Of course, the one time UCI is in the news it's total lies and bullshit.

This flag thing has totally gotten out of hand thanks to the media.