
November 29th, 2014




Finally finished cleaning up from Thanksgiving yesterday. There were so many leftovers from the Shelter dinner last night that there was plenty for everyone to have some for lunch and dinner today, if they wanted. I'm not sure how we're gonna be able to top last night for Christmas.




I don’t think I will be doing anything but lounging around today. I’m still feeling the effects of the food coma.

I know I’ve already thanked you and your mom but thanks again for having me and Gramps over. We had a lot of fun. Pretty sure I spent most of last night in a food coma though. I ate so much.




I'm still in a food coma from Thanksgiving. Can't. Move. Send help.




It hope everyone's holidays went well. I'm afraid I'm not much for celebrating, myself.




It still surprises me how competitive my brothers get over the stupidest things. Maybe it's just me being a few years younger than them but where's the fun in seeing who can eat the most turkey before getting sick?

[Catty Turner]

Hey gorgeous. How was your Thanksgiving?

[Hazel Lancaster]

So I have what could be a weird question to ask you.




Between yesterday and today, I've got almost all my Christmas shopping done already. Got my parents and brother done as well as Stefan, Rebekah and Nat. Plus there are a few more people I have bought gifts for as well. Of course, this means that between now and Christmas I'm gonna end up doing spur of the moment shopping for people I've already shopped for cause I'll see other things. But isn't that how it always happens?




Surprisingly very few mishaps came into the ER on Thanksgiving. I was actually surprised since holidays are one of the biggest days for cooking accidents. So Thursday wasn't too bad as far as work goes. Since I worked Thursday, I got yesterday off and did some Black Friday shopping then had belated Thanksgiving dinner with Mickey. And then I promptly passed out from the combination of exhaustion and tryptophan.